
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 4
  • 12 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients
March 3, 2020


Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 4 )

  • 3/4 cup chia seeds
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • extra water
  • 2 chopped mangoes (pureed)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  1. In a large bowl mix together 3/4 cup chia seeds with 2 cups coconut milk, 1 cup water and one teaspoon vanilla essence.
  2. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  3. Next day, stir 1/4 cup honey through the mix. Add a little extra water if mixture is too thick.
  4. Puree two chopped mangoes (reserve a handful not pureed) with 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
  5. Place half the puree in the base of four serving cups or glasses.
  6. Divide the chia pudding mixture over the mango puree, then top each glass with remaining mango puree.
  7. Serve puddings garnished with extra chopped mango and toasted coconut.

  • Beautiful recipe ! A pitty it’s no mango season at the moment


  • This looks so delicious and fresh! Yummo.
    Perfect for summer.


  • Ooh this looks so fresh and easy for summer! Yummy! You could top it with other fruits too. Maybe mixed berries on the bottom and mango puree on the top. Yum! I’ll be making this tomorrow!


  • I love love love chia pudding. This one I’ll definitely need to try.


  • I would have this for breakfast,so good!


  • Wonder if I could stop eating the mangos so that there is still enough to make this recipe. Thanks for sharing.


  • Oh yum, and mangoes coming in season now!!!


  • These look so delicious and I can’t believe how easy they are to make


  • Whilst this looks delicious, I’ve never tried Chia seeds. I’m not sure about the texture. Will I like it?

    • You’ll have to try it to find that out ;) Personally I think it’s a bit like jelly


  • I’m starting to see mangoes cropping up at the shops, this recipe looks like a delicious brekky or snack in between. Thank you for sharing.


  • I’m so glad mango season is coming up!!!

    • I know right ?! I have been buying mango’s already for several weeks as a wee treat. They’re still a bit dear though.

      • We adore mango time too, there are so many delicious recipes to make with mango.


  • I love the sound of this mango and chia pudding and also love the look of this sweet treat in the glass.


  • Thus mango and chia pudding looks delicious. Might try this recipe tomorrow.


  • Yum. I love chia but have only made chocolate ones. This mango one looks lovely and refreshing.


  • Love this recipe. Great for hot days.


  • Sounds easy and I love mango!


  • Mango is so good !


  • Yum. I made similar one before and it was a winner…


  • I love mango so this would be an exciting dessert for me. So tropical, like laying on the beach during an island getaway!


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