
  • Serves 1
  • 5 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 2 Ingredients

76 Comment

Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 2 Eggs (Room temperature)
  • 1 teaspoon Olive Oil


  1. In the silicone egg poacher, spray olive oil around. This is crucial as they prevent the egg from sticking the silicone side.
  2. Beat in eggs and put in simmering water for 5 minutes. Not more or less.
  3. Remove/Slide out and Serve on avocado and toast!


I absolutely hate the whirpool technique to poach an egg because I have no skill at all. I got a set of silicone egg poacher as a gift and it was the best thing ever. For those who love poach eggs and wants them perfect each time, try investing on them!

  • One of my favourite things for breakfast, and so versatile!


  • I just cant…. Cant handle runny egg yolks.


  • I leave the poached eggs to my husband. He is really good at it.


  • I don’t eat peaches eggs enough but love em’ looks delish thanks


  • That looks so delicious with avocado and toast


  • Thanks for your recipe,so easy and so good!


  • Thank you for sharing, looks easy peasy.


  • Loved poached eggs but always failed in my poaching eggs. Looks so simple with the silicone tray!! Should invest in one I think!


  • This is one of my favourite breakfast meals. My husband usually makes it though. I’ve not mastered poached eggs, but this looks so simple I’m going to try it.


  • Bit confusing instructions. I never heard of silicone egg poachers before and had to google it, lol ! The instructions by the egg poacher made clear how to make the perfect poached egg. Maybe I should get some as I’m not the best at poaching eggs, much to the disappointment of my kids.


  • Hope this does not offend yyon4699 but there are a couple of errors ?? You state 1 teaspoon of olive oil yet in the method you state spray olive oil around, also beat the eggs and put in simmering water for 5 mins. Surely you mean gently crack eggs into silicon egg poachers and place into boiling water.
    They do look absolutely delicious though and thanks for the post.

    I have a set of (Crackin eggs TM) microwave egg cups, 2 sml 1 lge…for 1 egg simply crack egg into cup, pierce egg yolk, cover with lid and cook for 30 seconds ..55 secs for two. They are ready most times before your toast is cooked. To easy. I have also seen other brands around in stores.


  • Do you beat in the eggs?


  • With the poached eggs recipe you have beat in the eggs – surely you man only place them in?


  • This is the way I do my poached eggs – what a lovely quick lunch or tea if you’ve been out to lunch and it’s a great breakfast too.


  • I love poached eggs with a creamy sauce!

    • Poached eggs are quite easy to make and a healthy breakfast.


  • This looks really nice! A good recipe as well!


  • Thanks for posting. This looks delicious.


  • Yum, yum, yum. Simple, healthy and delicious. Thank you


  • thanks so much for this recipe


  • this is the healthiest way to eat egg


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