
  • Serves 6
  • 18 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 14 Ingredients
March 19, 2024


If you or your kids are lactose intolerant or gluten free you can say goodbye to Easter FOMO with this decadent recipe!

NOMO’s plant-powered, allergy-friendly chocolate, free from the big five – dairy, gluten, nuts, soy, and eggs. There’s no more missing out this Easter!

To celebrate Easter, NOMO has teamed up with star chef, baker and recent Dessert Master Morgan Hipworth to create the perfect free-from, Easter dessert that everyone can enjoy. Here’s his amazing NOMO Chocolate & Cookie Dough Tart.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 195g vegan butter alternative, cold, cut into cubes
  • 180g icing sugar, sifted
  • 2g salt
  • 365g plain flour
  • 105g corn flour
  • 55g almond meal
  • 105g vegan egg replacer, prepared as per packet instructions
  • 150g plain flour
  • 100g vegan butter alternative, softened
  • 40g caster sugar
  • 20g dark brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup plant based milk
  • 100g NOMO Creamy Chocolate Bar, chopped


  1. TO MAKE THE PASTRY: Mix cold, cubed vegan butter, icing sugar, salt, plain flour, corn flour and almond meal in an electric mixer with a paddle until breadcrumb-like.
  2. Gradually include vegan egg replacer until a dough forms. Roll to 3mm thickness between 2 sheets of baking paper, rest 30 mins, then line a 26cm tart ring. Bake at 180o for 15-18 mins until golden. Cool.
  3. TO MAKE THE VEGAN COOKIE DOUGH: Cream vegan butter, caster sugar, and brown sugar. Add vanilla extract; mix in flour until combined. Incorporate plant based milk, fold in chopped chocolate. Spread evenly over cooled tart shell.
  4. TO MAKE THE VEGAN CHOCOLATE GANACHE: Heat coconut cream and vanilla bean seeds. Pour over chocolate and melted coconut oil in a bowl, sit to melt. Stir until smooth. Pour ganache over cookie dough in tart shell. Decorate with NOMO Cookie Dough Bunnies. Set in fridge for 2 hours.
  5. Let tart slightly warm at room temperature for easier slicing. Enjoy!

  • Looks absolutely yummy and devine. Will attempt to make it.


  • Oh this looks so professionally made. Yum.


  • This Nomo Milk Chocolate & Cookie Dough Tart looks delicious. Vegan cookie dough????


  • Oh no! You can’t ruin something that sounds so delicious by making it vegan!


  • This looks so good. I wish I had this recipe when my vegan friend visited yesterday. Oh well, next time :)


  • Looks delish. Perfect for those with dairy allergies


  • This looks so good.


  • OMG. This looks amazing.


  • Wow, this looks incredible and I want to try it right away


  • This looks great, lactose intolerant son will love this!


  • This looks incredible. My littlest grandson has allergies so I’ll make this as a special dessert when I see them next week.


  • Ooh this looks so yum. My kids have friends who are gluten intolerant so this would be perfect when they visit.


  • This is amazing!


  • This looks and sounds just wonderful.


  • Wow, this looks amazing. If it tastes as it looks it will be delicious.


  • Yum! This looks incredible!


  • Although I’m interested in vegan recipes, this recipe has far too much sugar for my liking


  • This looks very tasty although I won’t be making it. Since I’m having to survive on my savings alone, the ingredients needed are beyond my budget.


  • omg this looks sooo good


  • I must bookmark this for later use with my vegan friends. They won’t believe it’s a vegan recipe.


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