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Serena Williams revealed that she won’t be celebrating her daughter Olympia’s first birthday in September or any other birthday, due to religious beliefs.

The tennis great revealed in a recent interview, ‘Olympia doesn’t celebrate birthdays,’ the 36-year-old said. ‘We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses, we don’t do that.’

Serena has been a Jehovah’s Witness since her mother converted to the faith in the early 1980s, shares Daily Mail.

Practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not observe holidays they believe to have a pagan origin—such as Christmas, Easter, and birthdays.

‘Being a Jehovah’s Witness is important to me, but I’ve never really practiced it and have been wanting to get into it,’ she said.

‘Being a Jehovah’s Witness, obviously we believe in God and the Bible. And without Him, I wouldn’t be here right now. I really thank Him for everything.’

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  • That’s really a personal choice if that’s your belief that’s your belief no bother to me hard to have an opinion on another’s persons personal life choice. As long as baby is fed, healthy, happy and loved what else matters?
    Did not realise Serena was a Jehovah’s Witness so I guess I did learn something from this article!


  • Jewish people have different traditions too. The don’t celebrate Christmas either.


  • her kid, her choice, why is this even being reported?


  • Good on her sticking to her beliefs and not just following the norm. Doesn’t harm her in anyway so none of my business


  • Their decision, and not a harmful one, so not my business. Although I wonder if she’ll hold that line when her daughter gets older and starts asking.


  • We all raise our children according to our individual beliefs. If it’s not impacting the child negatively, then I don’t see a problem.


  • No doubt if she did have the huge, full blown birthday party for her daughter they so many celebrities opt to do, she would have been criticised too.


  • That’s her choice & good on her but I would hope when the child is old enough, they be given the right to choose if that’s the belief they wish to continue to follow.


  • Good on you Serena – follow your beliefs and values.


  • I’m sure they’re celebrating life and children in their own way, we can do this daily. The world would be a boring place if we would do everything the same.


  • Each to their own .. I couldn’t do it myself… but if that’s what she believes…


  • Each to their own.
    They don’t believe in having blood transfusions either.


  • I guess all families have their own traditions etc.

    • They do and learning about them is interesting.


  • My friends at school were Jehovahs witness and they just had different celebrations so their children didn’t feel like they were missing out on anything.


  • Everyone has their own belief system.


  • I didn’t know that Jehovah’s witnesses don’t celebrate birthdays and other holidays!


  • I think this is fair enough everyone is different in how they do things and bring up their children.


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