

Sorry, need to vent.

I am sick of sooo many judgemental moms, and my child hasn’t even hit school age yet.

He is in kinder and whenever I speak to someone how he will be an only child, EVERY mom has a go at me for doing such a terrible act to my child. I am sorry, but I am not like you and cant have more than 1 child.

My 4 year old understands better than anyone why he isn’t having siblings, and it upsets him when kids have their parents rude opinions.

Parents need to let their children form their own opinions in this world and let children think for themselves instead of pushing their beliefs on their kids.

and these parents shouldnt judge so fast, I wish more people would learn to be more open minded in this world as not everyone thinks alike.

sorry feel better now

thank you

Posted by fibear, 28th May 2013

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  • None of their business and quite frankly ignore them – not worth the energy.


  • great to read this story


  • It’s your decision not anybody else’s.


  • Just ignore them. You know what the best for your family.

    • Exactly – none of those people and their opinions actually matter in the big scheme of things.


  • I don’t ask people why they don’t have any children yet, let alone why they only have one. A friend of mine can’t have children and it hurts her every time someone asks why.


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