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For the 3rd year in a row my 19 year old daughter didnt show up for christmas, my boys and I had $400+ worth of christmas presents for her and a new BBQ for her boyfriend plus enough food to feed an army and to this day I still havent heard from her to say they arent coming or at all for that matter.

My boys (5,11 & 13) have no idea what they’ve done and as I tell them its not their fault, but what can I say your sister is a selfish individual whom only thinks about herself that we her family dont rate high on her priorty list, that shes abit of a golddigger and chose to spend the day with her boyfriend and his wealthy parents than here with us, her family couldnt even spare 5minutes. Harse way to talk about my own daughter and obviously not what her brothers need to here although if Im honest they are hurt and their feelings dont differ much from mine.

So Ive come to the gut wrenching decision, that its easier to live with a permanant broken heart than to have your heart continuely being ripped apart and stomped on. I cant go on being treated like this im starting to feel a little unstable, depressed and sad but more impotantly my three boys dont deserve to be treated like like yoyos, so we dont talk about her, shes deleted us (my husband and I) from facebook and makes no contact with us and doesnt respond when I call and thats how it is now, sad but what can you do, Such is Life.

Posted by Amy Browne, 4th January 2014

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  • I really hope the family was able to come back together. It must be really hard feeling fractured


  • that’s terrible, maybe one day when she is a mother she will understand


  • great to read


  • Adult children can go through interesting and difficult stages; they do not fully develop until the age of 25. This may be a phase/stage. Maybe focus your energy on yourself, your husband and boys.


  • she will come back soon


  • dont give up on your daughter things will get better


  • Don’t give up on your daughter, We all do make mistake in life and she’s still young and there’s much to learn in life for her. I’m sure one day she’ll understand and get well with you.


  • All I can say is, i hope that she wakes up one day and realises. Her rich boyfriend and his family wont always be there, like her real family would, and I hate for that to get thrown away. Teenagers are selfish beings.


  • I agree with Della, refund the gifts, let her know you love her but don’t go chasing her


  • Tough situation,refund the gifts and take the boys out with the money and tell them this is there present from there sister for letting them down at Christmas. Tell your daughter you love her and the door is always open but your not running after her anymore and she is now an adult and it is up to her what happens next .As she has to give a little to get .


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