
16 Comment

All of a sudden, at the grand age of 2 years and 5 months, my little cherub has decided that he no longer needs a day sleep. And that he doesn’t want to sleep in a cot. And that he wants to speak in sentences like a big boy. As lovely as it is to see him grow into this beautiful, independent little man… A (rather large) piece of me yearns for the chubby legged cherub, who snuggled into me everyday before his lunch time sleep to have a cup of milk. What a bittersweet day…..

Posted by tobysmummy, 8th January 2014

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  • Miss 2 1/2 y.o. decided she didn’t want afternoon sleeps any more. One day is OK but 2nd day a cranky unhappy miss, so we encouraged sleep on alternative days. She was a different child when that was implemented with no protests. She could hold a practically full conversation at 2 1/2 y.o. too. We visited an Retirement Village one day. We went for a walk in the community garden and there was quite a few residents out there. Everybody thought she was at least 3 y.o. She was just 2 1/2 (almost to the day). …Some children are in a bed by the age of 2 y.o.. One of ours tried to climb out over the top, then succeeded a few times one night for no apparent reason. We checked everything including whether she needed a drink. She had decided she didn’t want a dummy a few months before. She was given one that night and was asleep within 10 minutes. She never asked for it again after that which we were very pleased about. Soon after that she went into a bed.


  • I totally agree with you. I know am slowly beginning to understate what everyone meant when they used to say enjoy the early years.


  • It’s sad isn’t it! My eldest is 3 next week and for some reason that age has really hit me. My youngest is 10 months old and has stayed standing by himself so I’m going to have no babies soon!


  • my boy is nearly one, started taking a few steps, so sad..


  • They grow up far too quickly! πŸ™


  • Oh… they just grow up way too fast don’t they?


  • It happens all too quickly…


  • Don’t worry, the snuggles will be around a bit longer. That is so true though, a bitter sweet day : )


  • i still can’t get over how quick they grow…


  • Little Miss just turned two decided that day naps were out too


  • naww lol dont you wish you can have them as babys for ever lol


  • Aww…. I can understand totally. Sometime you just wish they never grow up πŸ˜›


  • bring back day sleep us poor mummy’s need it


  • Yes I can remember, it is just that, bittersweet πŸ™‚


  • it’s great when they grow up but it can also be a sad moment too. cherish it. you will find a new bonding moment you wont want to let go of again.


  • πŸ™‚


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