
9 Comment

I often think of the funny things that my kids said when they were little and have a chuckle. But I know there were a lot more funny things and I wish I had kept a book and written all those things down. It sure would make some entertaining reading now. So to all the mums with little ones, write these memories down so that you can relive and share them in years to come. Who knows, you might even be able to use some of the stories for their 18th or 21st birthday parties ~ I know I will be.

Posted by catherines, 28th May 2013

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  • I know a little girl who told her Mum she didn’t like Alice (her Mum didn’t know anybody by that name). To cut a long story short she was talking about Alice in Wonderland. (childrens story) Why? She didn’t like her ugly clothes.


  • I started one, then misplaced it. So i started another one, misplaced it. Then I gave up. I do find little scraps of paper in drawers, behind cupboards, in books etc that have the odd funny thing written on. Makes me smile


  • A lovely 21st birthday treat for them!


  • Such a fabulous and loving idea.


  • I used to write a journal but haven’t for a very long time.


  • Hmmmm That ‘s a great idea – thank you 🙂


  • I do this – it’s great to flip through when I’m having a bad day.


  • i post mine on fb same thing lol


  • So very true – I forget a lot of the things that happen.
    But it’s such a good idea to write it down – not only for yourself but for your child to laugh about when they grow up


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