
10 Comment

well where to begin i spent my childhood in a group home which turned me into a life of crime and drugs but then one day i took a test a test that would change my life i was pregnant i was over the moon on the 12/6/10 i gave birth to a gorjuzz little boy beau but unfortanly it wasnt to last when at 11 months dhs removed moved him due to me not coping well i became homeless and turned to drugs again and tryed to kill myself but then i once again took a test that would change me forever i was pregnant again i gave birth to a little boy braxton on the 7/6/13 with dhs involvemnt i got to bring my son home and my life hasnt been better

Posted by lozzabrax, 17th July 2013

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  • I hope things continue to improve for you and your baby and that you continue to care for him properly. Hopefully you get to keep him and maybe get your first born back. Sending positive vibes and love xxx


  • wow good on you. a lot of people don’t get their kids back!


  • A child will often make us want a better life.


  • keep fighting you will win and have a better life for your son


  • I wish you all the best.


  • Wow, Braxton is one year old now. I hope you are both going strong in your new life and that Braxton has a good childhood with you and that you are a blessing to each other.


  • Good luck with everything. I hope things keep looking up.


  • wow what a story are thing looking up now 🙂


  • Wow what a story. Enjoy your new life and stay strong!


  • Always keep looking forward. Keep it up.


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