

This afternoon our family lost a very dear family member who was much loved by my family. My children are very close to him even though he lives away from us they would talk every weekend on the phone and he was always the first to ring them for there birthdays no matter what ( even before my childrens grandparents).

When I got the call my eldest daughter(9) knew straight away just from my conversation and she was openly upset. Unfortunanlty she has already had to much death in her ever so young live, having lost her Aunt the week before she was born, her Great Grandmother at one her Grandmother at 18 months, her Great Grandfather at five and her second Great Cousin and now her second Great Cousin brother. My younger daughter (7) was extremely close and they loved to have their long distance phone calls every week with lots to catch up on and as sick as he was he did not miss her 7th birthday phone call last weekend, she has not been upset weather it has not sunk in yet or not I do not know. It is just amazing to think how different we all are and how we all handle things so differently.

No matter how we greeve for him we all loved him and he will be greatly miss.

Greeving never gets any easier no matter how many people you have lost in your life, it just never makes any sense why they must be taken from us!

Posted by Lov'n'Life, 15th June 2013

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  • I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your girls can look back at all the good memories they have with all the loved ones they have lost.


  • Each of us grieves in our own way.


  • I feel sorry for your loss.


  • im so sorry for your loss :(


  • Sorry for your loss, i know how hard it is to lose people close


  • I’m slso sorry for your loss. Its hard for children when these things happen. Unfortunately its one of those things we can’t protect them from. My youngest also didn’t really express her fellings as much as my older daughter when they lost their grandmother. At the time I was a bit surprisd. As time has gone on I have realised she misses her just as much, just showed her feelings differently at the time. I wish your children well.


  • forry for your loss thought are with you and your family in these hard times


  • I’m so sorry for your loss :( x


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