12 Comment
I don’t know what offends me more – #Bellegibson or #60Minutes ??
However, in the interest and trying to keep living in the half glass full world – I think we can actually now use this as a forum to generate a conversation for ‘good’ rather than pick away at what is obviously a very complex situation for anyone to comprehend, yet alone for those who has been affected by cancer. We have all got our nickers in a twist for a multitude of reasons and rightly so460173_10151450144825258_1680967085_o(1).
When this story first broke a few months ago, I elected not to enter into it and give it space as sadly this is not the first time we have heard stories of people ‘faking it’ 🙁 – Why is beyond any of us who actually are living it, but who knows why people do what they do, I gave up on trying to understand that a long time ago 🙂 ????
So, my two pence for what it is worth; is that as someone living with Stage 4bc who does huge amounts to assist others looking into all integrated health options – mainstream and complimentary. Personally, I am just devastated #60mins even gave this woman a public forum !!
These irresponsible actions, will only have an even larger impact on belittling the very genuine and credible science that is coming out on the benefits of nutritional sciences. It will impact on the confidence of those trying to live a quality of life with cancer and investigate other options. Sadly, this will feed the pessimists and uneducated on matter of integrated meds. It will ignite the ‘righteous’ and generally will have a greater impact on the general populations appreciation, of the evolving science and practices of #Integratedmedicine #functionalmedicine.
Why we feel that it has to be an either or approach – mainstream or complimentary is mind boggling ! All the latest research and yes I use the worlds scientific research, indicate that as we evolve with our technology and knowledge, our ability to analyse and test natural approaches expands as indicated in the trends moving away from Chemotherapies towards Immunotherapies. Factual evidence does exist that many complementary treatments, bear incredible merit and can contribute enormously to disease outcomes including nutrition !!
These sorts of stories naturally create, highly emotional responses, for many people but they should not get in the way of the facts and more importantly should not result in individuals being provided with more options, hope and sound advice that may just make the difference between life and death which is what we have been doing at LifeROOM and many including myself have improved our qualities of life and yes quantity.
How about a story on that now and lets turn this into a positive outcome !! This poor woman needs no further opportunity to feed her delusions.
Posted by mom118138, 29th June 2015
BellaB said
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