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Hey guys,
just thought i would share by birth story
So I was around the 32 week mark when i started having pains, and i had a bit of blood (sorry for tmi)
anyway, the midwives said it was nothing, but i would probably go into early labour,
They were also concerned because all the way up until 42 weeks, i was only measuring 32 weeks. They didnt think there was much fluid around baby, but still did nothing
When it came to me being overdue, they decided to induce me.
Now here is where it gets interesting. with all of my scans and doctors dates etc, i was told i was due on the 19th of Feb, but the midwives insisted it was the 22nd.
They told me they would only let me go over by a max of 10 days, to their date, but when i had her i was exactly 2 weeks over.
Anyway, i was induced at about 9am, and they told me nothing would happen for about 24 hours. I was cramping, and needing to pee sooo bad. by 10:30pm they sent my partner home, and gave me a pethadine shot. told me it would last until morning and that the pain was just hormones.
At 11:30 i was so sick, i vomited some weird green stuff, and i felt the tape fall out (the tape was how they induced me) i went to the toilet and there was blood.
I was crying and asked the nurses for something for the pain, and explained what had happened
They were very rude, and told me that it was nothing but if I was in pain then they supposed they should send me to the birth suite for gas, even if i didn’t need it.
The midwife in the birthing suite was so nice, and offered to call my partner up and bring him back in
then she decided to just check to see if i was dialated at all, turned out i was 8cm and baby was coming!
BUT, there was NO fluid around her!
the midwife thinks that my waters had been slowly leaking for weeks! and they didnt even bother to check
my partner got there not long before everything started happening, and then when i was pushing her out, her heart rate dropped extremely low. it was like 60bpm or something like that. They decided to use the vacuum thing to get her out, and just in time too! the cord was doubled over, and there was just not enough room for her to get out! they told me that a few minutes longer and she may not have made it! and to think the others didnt even believe labour had started!
my princess Sapphire was born at 1:22am on the 4th of March 2012. 7pound5ounces.
Posted by mom58527, 16th May 2014
mom113055 said
- 26 Apr 2015
mom113055 said
- 05 Apr 2015
tilly said
- 17 May 2014
arcticwynta said
- 17 May 2014
mom58527 said
- 16 May 2014
tamandimmy said
- 16 May 2014
mel1 said
- 16 May 2014
Kelly said
- 16 May 2014
mom58527 replied
- 16 May 2014 , 5:57 pm
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