
If a sleepover in Bluey and Bingo’s bedroom is at the top of your little one’s wish list, you can now make all of their dreams come true!

A brand new Bluey-themed hotel room has just been unveiled, and it even includes the Heeler bathroom, and the chance to spot the long dog!

Bluey Hotel room

Ever since the a home was transformed for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to stay at the Heeler House in Brisbane (and then returned back to a normal home) Bluey fans have been desperate to stay somewhere similar. And now they can.

Alton Towers is the UK’s largest theme park resort, and it’s just revealed its new Bluey-themed suite at the CBeebies Land Hotel.

Bluey Hotel room

The room sleeps up to five, with kids in Bluey and Bingo’s bedroom, in bunk beds. There are TVs in the adult and children’s areas so everyone can watch their favourite episodes of Bluey.

Of course, when you’re not spending time in the suite, you can explore the theme park, and see Bluey Live at CBeebies Land.

Bluey Hotel room

Who’s booking a trip to the UK?!

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  • Any excuse to go back to Europe is good for me. I’d love to take my kids to this hotel


  • I would need more of an incentive to book a trip to UK. It is so cold over there, even during summer!


  • It looks lovely and I’m sure all the children (and some adults) would love it.


  • My adult daughter would love this!


  • So good to see Bluey if popular all over the world. That is simply gorgeous and I bet it is booked all the time.


  • Wow, it looks so pretty and well done.


  • This looks so fun!


  • Aww this is actually pretty cute! This wouldn’t be the first reason I’d want to visit the UK but I do think it’ll be popular.


  • I wouldn’t book a trip to the UK for this, but I’m sure plenty of kids in the UK have a ball in this Bluey themed hotel room


  • Fans will no doubt love this themed accommodation.


  • No Bluey fans in our family, but this is fun for those who have


  • This is so cool. Especially the little ones would love this!


  • It looks amazing. Not for my kids though. They are not Bluey fans. Wondering how much it costs?


  • It’s full on – but they did it so well! Kids would absolutely have a ball staying here


  • Not for me but I can imagine some families will love this.


  • Fabulous if you have kids of the right age.


  • It’s very cute, I’m sure it’d be a real treat for kids


  • Wait this is literally my dream and my toddlers!! Such a shame it’s not in Australia we’d be there in an instant


  • Many kids would be thrilled to spend a night.


  • Very adorable. This will be a lot of kiddos dreams to sleep in that bunk bed.


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