

Well, finally, my first grandchild is here. It’s a boy and he’s absolutely gorgeous! I’ve just been lucky enough to spend 12 days with him and his parents and it was heaven. It was so hard to leave and say goodbye, I actually couldn’t say goodbye, the tears welled up and that was that. They live in another state and I have no idea when I’ll be able to visit next. Which saddens me. But seeing him and the fantastic father my son is has gladdened my heart, he really is such a natural dad, just beautiful to see. I’ll just have to save hard and get back there asap!

Posted by mom81879, 15th April 2016

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  • Been back for a couple more visits since. He will be here for his 1st bday at the end of march and I have flights booked for a visit to them in June for my 50th.


  • Thanks everyone. Home a week and I’m still missing him like crazy! His dark hair, his wobbley head, how he would gaze at me. Can’t wait til my next visit


  • Congratulations. I hope you have Skype. Then you can keep in see and talk to him regularly between visits.


  • Congrats! lots of grandparents live away from grandkids – Skype (and similar) are great. Enjoy regular updates and anticipation of future visits.


  • Congratulations. Enjoy those cuddles :-)


  • Congratulations – an exciting time for you and your family.


  • Congratulations on becoming a grandma! Lovely to have time together.

    • Enjoy planning and saving for your next trip.


  • Congratulations on becoming a grandma! I’m sure that technology will help you keeping in touch with him. But I wish you to be able to go and visit again soon! :-)


  • Congratulations on becoming a grandma, its great that you were able to enjoy some time with the little bundle while still young..


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