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Last week I had to be a single parent for a week and I want to give a big shout out to those who already do it – boy it’s full on. My husband was away for work in another country so not even contactable with time differences and all of my regular baby sitting support were either away, sick or working themselves. It was the first week of school holidays and i also had to work myself as it was booked a long time ago. I survied the week but super tired by the end of it and sure was glad when hubby arrived home. I know that they saying being a single parent is hard work and I agree there is noone to give you a break when you want to go and do things above and beyond to have any form of a social life after hours or on the weekends if you can’t get a baby sitter. So hats off to you. Although being a parented parent we too get very little time alone as you use the other parent to help when the other has commitments so we too don’t get a lot of weekends off but still doing everything with only two hands from sun up to sun down – exhausting!

Posted by Frugal Fun Mum, 9th October 2013

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  • Being a single parent would be a tough gig.


  • yes it can be full on with two parents around so i have so much respect for the single mums out there


  • Yes, looking after the houshold by one’s self is very tiring and litle recognised at times. It is hard work, but for all the correct reasons.


  • I agree it would be difficult.


  • Thank you. I’m a single mum and it is exhausting. But like anything there’s good and bad parts to it x


  • you are very sweet. 🙂


  • you poor little mummy. 🙂


  • I agree – I don’t know how single mums do it!. Had hubby sick this week and so had to do everything myself with my usual supports either away or sick as well. I agree, hats off to single mums 🙂


  • Thank you, I fell into that category, had 3 children within 3 & a half yrs by the time I was 22. Whilst it was hard work at times it was also lots of fun. I want to say think you for thinking us single mums. I wish you all the best 🙂

    • I was a single mum by 22 with 3 children under 4 and it was really tough. I look back and think what a fruit cake I was back then, from being so exhausted all the time. My youngest just turned 20 yesterday and I look at them and am so proud of the young people they are and of myself for bringing up these magnificent people single handedly. I married a few years ago now and am glad I can share some of this parent pride with some one.


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