
Actress Gal Gadot has pulled off the ultimate Hollywood heist, revealing she’s given birth to her fourth child, without the press or public knowing she was pregnant.

The Wonder Woman star also revealed her baby girl’s beautiful name.

“My sweet girl, welcome,” she wrote on social media. “The pregnancy was not easy and we made it through.

“You have brought so much light into our lives, living up to your name, Ori, which means ‘my light’ in Hebrew. Our hearts are full of gratitude. Welcome to the house of girls. Daddy is pretty cool too.”

Gal Gadot baby

The 38-year-old star married Jaron Varsano in 2008, with the couple welcoming daughters Alma in 2011, Maya in 2017 and Daniella in 2021. She’s previously said she ‘loves’ giving birth.

“I would do it once a week if I could. It’s so magical. And I always take epidurals, to be fair, so it’s not painful. Just the moment you feel like you’re creating life, it’s incredible.”

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She’s also previously discussed how much she loves being a mum.

“We are very involved in our children’s lives, so you just sleep less, you wake up earlier to be with the kids, you just stretch yourself more, but it’s all worth it. But it’s hard, there is no recipe,” she told People.

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  • What a wonderful way to introduce your girl into the world. Congratulations to you both. Another sister for you all to love.


  • I had no idea she was a Mum, let alone of 4 girls. Wow!


  • How can anyone say that they love giving birth???


  • Four girls, that’s an absolute blessing !


  • Congratulations to them both. Four lovely girls indeed.


  • Congratulations – a wonderful four beautiful girls. Wish you and your husband and children all the best luck in the world.


  • What pretty names.


  • Wow 4 girls, she’s so blessed!


  • Congrats to her and the fam!
    Wish I was as beautiful and glamorous as her.
    I didn’t even know she had any kids tbh.


  • Love Gal Gadot as an actress and a human. What a fabulous strong female role model her daughters get to grow up with


  • Gal is fabulous as Wonder Woman!


  • How exciting. Congratulations to the family. So glad she kept the pregnancy hidden the whole way. It’s just a better and bigger surprise when the baby is born. Love her name Ori, its the same name as my mum.


  • she really is a wonder woman


  • Exciting times, many congrats to this couple !

    • Four girls, that’s so precious !

      • I agree; having girls is absolutely wonderful!


  • Congratulations. A house of four daughters will be fun :)


  • Gosh she truely is a Wonder Woman. Congrats to her family!


  • She is so beautiful. Congratulations to baby number 4. Love the name.


  • Good on her for maintaining her privacy. Congratulations


  • I had no idea she already had three children. She really is a wonder woman!


  • Wow she truly is Wonder Woman. That’s amazing. Congrats to the whole beautiful family.


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