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A confused mum says she’s been called ‘terrible’ by another mum, after feeding her son and his mates doughnuts for breakfast after a sleepover.

The 43-year-old mu says her 10-year-old son had a sleepover at her house with four other boys. She says the group was well-behaved, playing video games and mucking around.

“In the morning I thought I would give them a special treat since it was a sleepover and got a half dozen doughnuts for the boys and one for me,” she explained. “Quick and easy breakfast for a fun morning. I typically make things like eggs, toast, fruits/smoothies but again I thought it was a special occasion.”

The mum says she didn’t think anything of the breakfast treat, until she was contacted by one of the other mums.

“One of the boys told his mum I guess and I got a horrible Facebook message saying I’m terrible for feeding my kids this and that I’m going to make him obese.

“I tried to explain but she just said her son wasn’t going there again and blocked me. As far as I know, her son does not have any health issues in which eating a doughnut would be super detrimental to him.”

She now wants to know if she was in the wrong for giving the kids a sugary breakfast. Share your opinion in the comments below. 

  • It’s just not necessary at all? Reward them for good behaviour with a breakfast with no nutritional value? I mean you could of given them a fruit plate or something first with a nice healthy chopped up selection of delicious food, then let them have doughnuts.


  • It was fine. If she had an issue, she should mot have sent him or talked to you before


  • i think dounuts are fine but probs better after a good healthy breakfast 1st


  • I can understand why you gave them a doughnut each but maybe you should have also given them cereal first? As it’s a one off for a special occasion I don’t see what the real issue was. You tried explaining to her but she just didn’t want to listen so it’s her issue not yours. Maybe next time save that for either the night before or around 10 in the morning.


  • It was a special occasion but perhaps better served for morning tea, not breakfast.


  • Wow, that’s really an extreme reaction. I wouldn’t serve donuts for breakfast, but I understand you thinking it was a special occasion. And it was a one-off. Eating donuts everyday for breakfast would certainly be an issue, but that’s not the case here. We’re just so quick to react and block rather than to have a normal conversation.


  • It’s an extreme reaction, but doughnuts for breakfast? That’s not just an unhealthy choice, but an odd one too.


  • Wow, it’s not like she got 6 donuts for each boy! It was just 1 donut per boy and one for her! Good on her for making good memories for the boys 🙂


  • A massive over-reaction that probably damaged the children’s relationship with each other more than it damaged their life-long health. Whilst it is commendable that the emotional mother had a health focus, one small snack in a party situation is hardly grounds for starting a drama that would be very hard to recover from.


  • Some of the cereals have more sugar than a doughnut, pastries are given for breakfast so there is nothing wrong with what this mum did. I feel sorry for the kid as the mum seems a bit OTP.

    • I agree not much difference, many cereals are a sugar staple and highly processed and score just as low health wise


  • Abit of overreacting on her part especially then blocking her. It is not something I would give my kids for breakfast and they would have said no to the Mum offering at the time. They would have been explained that it is not something they are allowed to eat at breakfast.


  • Wow! Thats a proper over reaction. Wonder what is really going on with that mum to make her blow up over such a non event? Sorry she made you feel like you did something wrong, it’s about her, not you.


  • It was a sleep over for heaven’s sake. Quite often there is no breakfast after a sleep over. I am so glad I never had the digital police around when my children were growing up. Fun was fun and what happened at a sleep over, stayed at the sleep over. Sorry – but I don’t think you were in the wrong, but that other parent sure was. I wonder how many children will turn up at his sleep over should he be allowed to have one after this fiasco.


  • Such an important overreaction! It was a sleepover it’s supposed to be fun and I would expect my kids to be eating a bunch of junk. You always try and make a sleepover extra fun for the kids and they understand when something is a special treat especially at that age . I’d love doughnut for breakfast, might do it this weekend with my kids they will love it


  • What an awful nasty mum to send such a message and then block! A sleepover is a fun event for kids, a special breakfast sounds like a great experience for the kids and surely lots of memories were made.


  • A massive over reaction and rudeness on behalf of the other mum. At least let her explain! Children are only children for a short time and special occasions make memories!


  • She’s probably annoyed because her son thinks you’re cooler than her mum for serving up donuts for brekkie!
    One day in a whole year won’t kill anyone, seriously! But I’m the worst when it comes to junk food and eat it all the time which is why I can’t judge!!!


  • Your rules your house


  • Whats a naughty but seriously delicious breakfast yes please hahaha


  • Nope…not in the wrong at all.
    All these things are fine as long as its not a daily thing.
    This woman needs to get over herself. What a major over reaction.


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