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My Little Miss who is nearly two just loves going to the beach! It was a lovely warm 35 degree day and my husband was home so we figured it was a great day to go down to the beach. Got Little Miss ready with sunscreen, hat and rashie! Hubby and I got our boardies and rashies on too and sunscreen on our face and arms. Off we went – happy day full of fun and laughter and splashing. Then tired unhappy Little Miss changed into dry clothes and back in the car. She dozed off to sleep and back home we went. Later in the evening my husband and I both noted that we had red sunburnt feet. It has been so sore for the last two days and I also got burnt on the back of my legs at the knee! Little Miss was sunburn free – all our fussing over making sure she didn’t get sunburnt… but instead we did!

Posted by kathryn, 25th January 2014

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  • Sunburnt feet…hilarious, sorry, I know it must be painful. But it is funny too. At least you kept little miss safe


  • Ouch! behind your knees is the worst!


  • great story to read


  • I remember getting sunburnt hands after a bike ride, the only place I didn’t where su cream.


  • I have just experienced that as well – next time we will stick to be out of the sun by 10.00 am!


  • the feet are easily forgotten, thats for sureโ€ฆ


  • We often forget our feet too. Ouch!


  • quite often we forget ourselves when taking care of the little ones, i hope the sunburn went away quickly


  • you get so caught up in making sure the kids are covered sometimes


  • took weeks for that sunburn to heal – next beach visit we were all lathered in sunscreen and reapplied regularly! lesson learned ๐Ÿ™‚


  • LOL, sounds very familiar to me. Best of luck remembering your own sunscreen in future.


  • thanks for sharing hope all is well now


  • That’s good to hear, thanks for sharing and must keep an eye on the baby like a hawk!!!


  • Goes to show how hot the planet is becoming. 70 Plus will be a thing of the future soon.


  • You need to watch your feet. A poor little one in our local area got burns on her feet from the soft matting at the play ground at the park. It was that hot it had started to melt and her feet stuck to it. So be careful where your kids are playing. You think they are safe but you just never know these days. (Matting must have had a fault).


  • Ouch. Makes me think of times after work in ditch the heels & continue barefoot on pavement on nice summers day only to get home & discover not long later I’ve burnt my feet, more blisters I guess than sun burn but like I said OUCH. Great parenting though lol ๐Ÿ™‚


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