
9 Comment

As much as i love Law and Order SVU it has made me really scared to let the kids out of my site, It has really opened my eyes to what could be out there, i know its just a TV show though someone had to think of it, someone had to have written it down for the actors to act out,

I used to think that i could protect my 3 kids from anything and any one, how silly of my to think that, there are things out there that could happen at any age,

At the moment the kids dont leave my side unless they are at kindy/preschool,

i always have the doors lock when they are home, i am careful with what they watch on TV as well, i never let them answer the door,

The big world out there is so scary

Posted by heartness1, 28th April 2013

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  • There are people out there that are not normal and commit crimes and it is just a very sad fact!


  • The things you do come naturally as a Mother.
    Maybe you either shouldn’t watch the show as often or give up watching it if it’s causing you anxiety. There is too much of the same incidents on that show.
    At least on some of the other Police shows you get a variety and see / hear the outcome and punishment given.


  • It makes you very aware of what is out there


  • the story is exellent


  • I like that show (although I don’t let my boys watch it) but it is just a show and there are many other TV shows, games etc out there that show similar things. Turn the tv off and enjoy life – don’t live in fear


  • Firsr of all kindy and preshcool is no guarantee they are safe. Not at all.
    also i hate svu i just cant stand it ughh my mum used to watch it when i was a child and i hated it. Even though she knew i hated it she still watched it while i was home


  • My advice; turn it off! These shows do work on fear!


  • I’ve tried to teach my kids to be aware of their surroundings and emergency numbers.


  • svu will do that 2 you


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