
4 Comment

So It starts with some great news ( 2 weeks ago) We won a competition through Playgroup Vic to drive a brand new volvo for 2 weeks – Yay!

Picked it up, and lovely – I could get used to this!

Sadly it all went downhill from there.

On Monday my dear Grandfather passed away. Frantically I started to try and arrange some money to get interstate for the funeral.

On Tuesday I took madam to playgroup – no one there – school holidays – doh! Coming home hubby rings, he has pain all through his chest.

Now the night before madam had jumped on his chest in bed at 3am. He had seemed ok when he went to work, but pain kept getting worse – 2 broken ribs…

So. He will be off work – no income. No way he can sit in a car for 12 hours. No interstate trip. Going to miss the funeral.

And I had to give back the volvo, despite my little fantasy they might say I could keep it, much to my 2 year olds disgust (she loved it!)

Posted by katelt, 3rd October 2013

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  • I hope things improved and are well 🙂


  • When it rains, it pours.


  • Sosorry about your grandfather .


  • Wow what a week indeed. Lovely beginning being the Volvo & I’m sorry for your loss but so sad you couldn’t make it to the funeral. Why not have one of your own when things seem a bit more normal. Hope hubby gets better soon. No income is awful, my man recently lost his job & we are relying on mine atm which I must say isn’t too flash. Hang in there hun 🙂


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