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Thinking of and deciding upon a strong name for your strong boy can be tricky. Our list compiles our favourite 10 strong boy names and gives you an overview of their origins and full meanings.

The top 10 strong boy names

1. Alexander

Meaning ‘defender of man’, think of Alexander the Great! Alexander can be shortened to Alex or Xander, both of which are strong boy names in themselves!

2. Max

Short for Maximillian or Maximus, meaning ‘the greatest’. The main character of Gladiator, Maximus, definitely embodies strength in many manners of the word.

3. Magnar

This Nordic name meaning ‘strong warrior’ comes from Magnus, meaning ‘strong’. It’s where we get many words of similar meaning like ‘magnitude’, ‘magnanimous’, and ‘magnificent’. Magnus appears as a character in History Channel’s Vikings, and is the name of several historical Kings from Norway and Sweden. In George R. R. Martin’s insanely popular series A Song of Ice and Fire, the Magnar of Thenn is the leader of the Thenns, a people north of the Wall that make up the Wildling free folk.

4. Takeo

This Japanese name means ‘strong as bamboo’. The main character in Lian Hearn’s Tales of the Otori series is named Takeo.

5. Donovan

Even though my thoughts jump first to the genre-breaking singer-songwriter of the same name, Donovan means ‘strong fighter’.

6. Austin

This strong boy’s name is a shortened version of the Latin name Augustine, meaning ‘great one’ and ‘magnificent’.

7. Brian

Brian is a Celtic name (or Judean, if you’ve seen Life of Brian) connoting ‘strength’, ‘ascension’ and ‘valour’. According to Babbel, the name Brian first came into use with Brian Boru, an Irish high king from the 10th and 11th centuries.

8. Ethan,

9. Takeshi,

10. Kwan

These three strong boy names round off our list and mean, simply, ‘strong’. Short and sweet!

Are you thinking of other strong boy names that we’ve missed in our list? Tell us about them in the comments!

Photo by Blake Barlow on Unsplash

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