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Research discovers how women suffering from severe morning sickness (hyperemesis) feel up to six months after giving birth.

Women with severe morning sickness, like that suffered by the Duchess of Cambridge, can suffer emotional distress for up to six months after pregnancy, a study suggests.

Hyperemesis gravidarum affects 15,000 women a year.

Normal morning sickness affects about 70 per cent of pregnant woman, and causes some vomiting and discomfort, usually passing after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

But those suffering from HG can be constantly sick – morning, noon and night – and unable to keep any food or drink down.

Affecting up to one pregnancy in 33, it can last for the entire pregnancy, although symptoms usually lessen after five months.

A new study, published in Archives of Women’s Mental Health, suggests the emotional impact of suffering with the problem lasts for months, shared Daily Mail.

The authors wrote: ‘Women with HG were more likely to report emotional distress compared to women without HG during pregnancy and six months postpartum, but the difference between the groups disappeared 18 months after birth.

‘The results suggest that the increased risk of developing emotional distress may primarily be a consequence of HG.’

Caitlin Dean, chair of the Pregnancy Sickness Support charity, said: ‘Care and treatment options for HG have improved massively in the last few years and research into the condition is finally attracting attention and tentative funding.

‘Research to be presented today demonstrates the mental health effect of this condition can be profound and doesn’t always end when the baby is born but can persist for years after.’

If you are suffering please speak to your doctor or midwife to discuss a treatment plan.

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  • Think indeed the impact of this condition can be enormous. I saw it from nearly by a friend, she spent most of her pregnancy in hospital and was emotionally and psychically at her end.


  • The impacts are huge and they can indeed be long lasting – anyone is this situation should seek support.


  • I never knew the effects could last so long!


  • Oh my! It doesn’t look nice at all! What a great impact in your life!


  • My teeth are feeling the affects of morning sickness years later! Even if a toothbrush in your mouth doesn’t make you throw up, you will probably throw up again 20 minutes later and ruin the job. All the acid in vomit just melts away your teeth. Then your self esteem takes a massive hit because you’re so ashamed of what they look like.


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