
Let’s look at the reasons for being a stay at home mum. These days choosing to be a stay at home mum is a luxury many of us just can’t afford. But if you can wrangle your finances, having the freedom to be a stay at home mum, is one of the best things you will ever do.

We recently shared a post from one of our mums who shared her stresses of being a working mum:

“I am seriously about to get fired! I am so over being a working mum! Last night, my son had croup and while I was tending to him, all I could think of was how was I going to take yet another day of sick leave or should I be an awful mum and send him to pre-school (PS I didn’t send him to school). Last week, my daughter was home for four days with a bad fever and cold and my hubby and I tag-teamed taking sick leave. Now, it’s my son’s big school orientation next week and I need to somehow get him there at 11am in the morning? Then we’re only 4 weeks away till summer holidays and that’s 6 weeks of the kids being home! I don’t have family around to help out and we can’t afford a nanny. My boss is really understanding but I am sure he will run out of patience soon. We definitely need the money but this working mum gig is so stressful. Would love to hear how other working mums make this whole thing work ’cause I’m crumbling here…”

So Stressful

Many of our wonderful mums offered support and many shared that they were in a similar situation.

One said:

“My life was hell whilst trying to work. Didn’t help that bosses were mostly male that never had to take a day off work in their life because their wife looked after the kids.”

Another commented:

“I’m in the same situation…. I don’t know for how long my bosses will be this good to me, I’m so grateful to them and really appreciate for understanding my situation. But I feel sad they have to compromise for me. And I don’t have other options either”

Others agreed:

“We have found it really hard too and I feel your pain. Both my husband and I were in full time work and really struggling to make it all work and be there for our children.”

Quit And Become A Stay At Home Mum

And many have suggested that being a stay at home mum is the best solution:

One said:

“I quit my job of 12 years a family life and work become too much. I haven’t been happier. I may have less money but we manage, I budget, and I no longer have to stress over how my employer is truly feeling no matter how understanding they sound.”

and another agreed:

“I am a stay at home mom for this reason.”

Full-Time Job

But don’t get me wrong, being a stay at home mum is a job in itself. It may not have the stresses of an office and an employer, but it is bundled with its own stresses. And it’s exhausting and rewarding at the same time.

It’s also a full-time job – you can never really take leave and you obviously don’t get a pay check at the end of the month. (Although many people think a stay at home mum should get a massive salary).

But if you can afford it, the benefits of being a stay at home mother generally do outweigh the drawbacks.

Benefits Of Being A Stay At Home Mum

The Benefits of Being a Stay At Home Mum Include:

  • Being the primary carer for your child – this means being available for your child when they are unwell and having control over what they are doing on a daily basis
  • Spending quality time with your child on a daily basis
  • Being there for all precious milestones and developmental stages
  • Having more time to do household chores and manage the running of the household
  • Being able to drop off and collect your child to and from school
  • Be more involved in your child’s schooling and be able to volunteer for the parent committee

Not For Everyone

However, being a stay at home mum is not for everyone and many women feel the need to go into the workforce for a number of reasons, including financial and emotional motivations and may just not be stimulated enough to stay at home with the kids.

Many stay at home mums suffer from loneliness, boredom and feeling undervalued. In addition, many stay at home mums feel that they need to justify their decision not to work. However, these mums do not need to explain themselves to anyone and if this is working for you and your family, then you are #winning.

Are you a stay at home mum or would you like to be? Tell us in the comments below.

More on Mouths of Mums

  • We are all different and we live with different circumstances.
    I was a stay at home Mum for my 3 girls. My husband was not helpful in raising the girls other then to supply the income so i often used to say that I flet like a single mum but without the concern of where the money was coming from (except for the times that there was no work or the bank account was drained due to his over spending) Anyway…. I was very thankful that I was able to stay at home with the kids and always felt strong admiration for working Mums. I dont think i would have been able to handle the pressure of working as well as thats what it would have been for me.
    Some woman are better Mums for being away from the home and working.
    Some woman work because they have to and not because they want to.
    So many different situations.
    We all do what we have to do. No one should be judged.


  • Ive seen some rubbish on this site, but this would have to be the worst article I have seen.
    Working parents do every single thing listed there for heavens sake. how could they actually not be the primary carer for their child. Its literally what the definition is!
    The mined boggles that somebody who is presumably a working mum themselves suggests that working mums arent there for milestones and developmental stages. Do they think that children live 24/7 at childcare.
    Terrible article.


  • It’s different for every family.
    I’m a SAHM and appreciate that I had the chance to do so.
    But there are pros and cons to both, like enjoying having those younger years with the kids or being employed and having financial freedom


  • I’m a solo parent and love being a stay at home parent. I would like to work part time ideally. I just don’t have the 24/7 availability I did pre kids, which often seems like a prerequisite. Full time works seems easier to find after a period away from the workforce, despite gaining qualifications from study in the meantime. Especially with additional needs it is a challenge. Good luck to all the mums making this difficult choice, we are all trying to do our best for ourselves and our families.


  • I don’t believe those mums who are coupled who say they can’t afford to stay at home. I’m a stay at home mum. Currently we have a mortgage and paying rent at the same time. Have 2 cars to maintain and same bills as everyone else. My husband is on average wage and all the mums at his work don’t know how we can afford for me to look after the kids. I don’t understand what they are doing to not be able to afford it.
    But I’ve heard many mums who have gone back to work tell me it’s easier to be at work than to look after the kids. And that makes more sense to me than the financial reason. People don’t have to make excuses to go to work. If you don’t like raising your kids full time then just say it. It is challenging. We all get it. I know there’s guilt associated with choosing to go to work. No one is better than the other for their choice. And I have a lot more respect for those mums who are honest about it.

    • So judgemental! First of all the definition of raise is to support. Something that working parents do.
      Secondly, how simplistic to reduce the decision down to work to nothing but money. People work for lots of reasons. I had 2 sick parents who couldnt work and it was awful. Thats why I will stay in the workforce so I dont get locked out of it.


  • I work full time but at this stage I would love to be a stay at home mum even though my girls are in year 4 & 6 now I’m over working but I love my lifestyle too!


  • At the end ofnthe day everyone is different and live different lives


  • It’s a personal choice. I loved being a stay at home mum and didn’t miss the workforce at all.


  • I’ve been a stay at home mum for 5 years now. I have 3 children and my husband is on a low income. We do struggle financially at times but I love being there for my kids all of the time. My husband is amazing and gives me time on my own regularly especially the weekends. We can’t go on expensive holidays or get takeaways but I think the sacrifices are worth it


  • With the cost of childcare these days is it worth going back to work cause most of there wage is gone on childcare


  • I love being a stay at home mum but I also love when I work, the reality is that I actually can’t afford to work as everything I would earn would go straight into paying for child care


  • Hard in this economy most have to work and can’t stay home


  • i loved being a stay at home mum, but now I work full time as my girls are older now and both in primary/high school. My husband works close by and has more flexible work hours than myself so we have swapped roles a bit and he is there in the mornings and after school and I get home in time to make dinner and I do the girls hair before I go to work. I am tired and constantly forgetting things but I am loving being a full time contributor to our finances and therefore providing more opportunities for weekend activities with my girls


  • I love being a stay at home mum. I wish it didn’t come attached with some sort of expectation that one should reenter the workplace as soon as possible though. There’ll always be work, but children won’t stay young nor will they always stay young enough to always want you around. So I’m making the most of my time now and if I get a suer casual one day a week job that I love in the meantime, then bonus!


  • We were lucky that I could be flexible with my work to do this for a time


  • Your babies, then little ones, are only little once. You can’t get that valuable time back, so if you can possibly afford it, make the most of quality time spent with them, watching them grow and learn. As I say, you can’t get that time back and you don’t want to regret it if you put work over family.


  • it is a privilege and blessing and unfortunately not everyone has the choice. The kids grow up so very quickly too.


  • I love being a stay at home mum!


  • I feel really sad for the mums who would love to stay home but financially don’t have that option. I know some who prefer to go to work but there are alot that would love to be in that position but just can’t make it work financially. I’m forever grateful to my partner for being able to provide enough that I get that luxury. It is the greatest gift to have all this special time watching my girl grow and become a little person.


  • It’s a pity that some Mums miss out on being the first person to see their child/children achieve milestones. I realise some have to work to pay the mortgage or rent and other necessities. The price of basic food (no luxuries) has risen significantly over the last few months. I buy sliced Deli Ham for sandwiches. It is the cheapest ham. It also doesn’t seem to be as salty. In 4 months the price has risen $1.50 per kg Nothing goes up by 5 or 10 cents any more. Another example is one family member is lactose intolerant. His milk has increased $0.45 recently. Most prices have risen at least $0.50 and some are several $. I try to get extra of items we eat all the time when they are on special, then hopefully I won’t need to buy more until they come on special again. I don’t know how so many people can afford take-away so often. I know people who reckon they are struggling yet they have take-away twice a week. I realise that is their decision but they are putting a strain on their budget. It is great for a treat or in an emergency.


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