

I had relatively stress free pregnancies with both my children, I felt like I was quite relaxed most of the time, and in control.

Though the one thing that concerned me and the question I kept asking was: “What are we going to name this baby?”

I worried over it, as it was an important decision, this child would have to live with this name for the rest of their lives.  Or until they are old enough to change their name via Deed Poll!

I had numerous apps on my iPhone, I bookmarked a number of pages on the Internet, I even read copious amounts of books!  And I was still confused!

I had a long list for Miss Z which my husband culled 75% of, no rhyme nor reason, just erased names he “just didn’t like”.  We ended up with three names going in to the delivery suite, the first two were my favourites the third was hubby’s.

During labour I told the midwife there was NO way I was calling my child the name that my husband chose……

I am pushing so I am choosing!!

In the end we went with hubby’s choice.

When Miss Z entered the world, she looked like a Zara to me, dark hair and eyes.

Until I could actually see my daughter I didn’t feel I could name her. I had known this baby for 9 months, could feel her movements, had seen ultrasound images, but I had not seen this little person face to face yet.

However I was in charge of making this decision on her behalf.

My son was easier to name as we set no expectations, we threw a few names around, but we both knew we loved the name Max! Done and dusted…

However, when my mum was pregnant with me my parents decided I was to be named Tracy.  That was it, set in stone, easy decision, they liked the name.

Two weeks before I was born, cyclone Tracy hit Darwin.  Due to the disaster that occurred Mum didn’t think it was a good idea anymore and named me Jodi!

There are so many things to take in to consideration it is no wonder it can be an ordeal:

Do you like traditional names?

Is there a family name you HAVE to use in some form?

Do you want something ‘quirky’?

Are you after a ‘different’ spelling of a seemingly normal name?

Are you going to happy if the name you have chosen has been the most popular name in Australia for the past 3 years?

My only advice is  be careful of initials, you could just imagine little Miss ‘Mason’ going to school, she has the middle name of ‘Ursula’ as a family tradition, and her first name is ‘Belinda’!

How did you choose your child’s name?

Are you into old-fashioned names or do you prefer something a little out there like “La-A” (pronounced Ladasha.) :) ?

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  • Personally I prefer more traditional names that are easy to say and spell.


  • We wanted something unique and must go well with the family name


  • We didn’t find out the sex of our baby so we were choosing girl and boy’s names. I wanted to have two of each so once our baby is born we could select the one which suited her/him. We were able to agree on two girls names but came out with only one boy’s name. We have a lovely girl and when she was born we looked at her and easily agreed on the name. ;-)


  • For months before giving birth we agonized over a decision. we finally settled on Isabella & Thomas (i was having twins) but 12 hours before my c-section, i was in hospital, in quite a bad way, and the c-sect was going to be an emergency one of sorts, that i just started crying and knew i wasnt happy with the names. I begged to call my daughter Ayva, though i knew he hated it (as did everyone else) but he relented, on the condition he got to chose a name for our son.
    im so glad we changed. Ayva & Zachary fits them perfectly :)


  • I chose my first daughters name and got criticized as people would say now how do you spell that even now no one can spell my daughters name probably


  • i had absolutely no say in my first born’s name it was chosen by my husbands family. I chose the second son’s name and coincidently it suited both all sections of the family as those had been “family names” through all four sides of the family in the past.


  • Being a teacher, I happily said no to a lot of names. My husband and I wanted a name that was a little unique, but not so out there that our kid would become a joke. We also wanted a name that had meaning to us – something musical or along the lines of Africa. The girls names were easy, but we found out we were having a boy.
    We loved the name Leo, but saw it as a shortened version and wanted a more formal name. We ended up with Leon and are really happy we chose it.


  • My hubby and I talked it over before we were married and long before we thought of children, we came up with a girl and a boy name that we both loved, and then some others for in case we had more than one of each sex. Even thought we chose the names years before we even thought about getting pregnant, we never even thought about changing our minds about the names. We both knew what we wanted.


  • With baby #1 it was a nightmare. My husband hated every name I came up with. We had a name set for a boy and that was simply because I said i liked it and his Dad had agreed with me. But for a girl it was impossible…every name I came up with he would say in a nasal drawn out way and say it sounded ugly. I pointed out to him that any name would sound ugly spoken that way. In then end I started suggesting names i didnt really like but didnt hate either. Still he wasnt happy so I gave up and said that unless I selected a name if the baby was a girl then we would name her after the Doctor and his name was Bernard so the baby would be Bernardette. He hated that also so I told him the ball was in his court. Finally he found a name he liked Georgina. Baby was born and was a girl and so she was Georgina….she gets called Georgie and although I wasnt that impressed with the name to start with I will admit that she has made the name and i cant imagine her being called anything else.
    Baby #2 I put my foot down and said that as he named #1 I was naming this baby. Another girl so I named her Chelsea.
    #3 my husband had given up worrying and so i named her Briar Rose


  • All my kids were nameless when we left hospital. My son did not have a name for six months as we could not agree. My husband wanted Virgil and our surname started with D. That would make his initials V.D. not good for when the child goes through school let a lone life! We chose pretty traditional names that reflected some of their heritage. (Russian/Ukrainian/Australian) We also looked at their names suiting them as older people.


  • It took us forever to pick a name for our second son, we just couldn’t agree! Both boys have middle names that have family significant to us & because we have a common last name I wanted first names that weren’t as common but weren’t weird as we didn’t want the kids to be teased.


  • I have a Zara too!


  • My husbands request was for the name to end in ‘in, an, en, etc.’ So wasn’t too difficult!


  • I stressed about names, checked spellings, meanings, possible nick names, the works. So happy with the names we chose. Can’t imagine the girls named anything else.


  • thank you for this article ! fun read


  • Names that can’t be shortened work wonders later in life. Like Max, Joe, Sam, Ben etc


  • there is so much in a name and it really can determine a future. we chose names that had strong meanings in our cultures


  • Thanks for sharing this great article. Its the hardest part in pregnancy…’Name’.


  • Choosing your child’s name is the first important decision you will make for him.


  • Enjoyed reading – thanks for sharing.


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