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Mum shares how due to severe morning sickness she felt she had no choice but to have an abortion.

LAUREN Fox was just 21 the first time she got pregnant. A sickness bug meant the contraceptive pill she’d been taking had failed, shares The Sun.

Lauren, now 34, said: “I was in shock about the pregnancy. Then, four days after I found out, I was suddenly sick on the bedroom floor.”

Next morning, simply rolling over in bed made her sick again. “I was throwing up continuously,” she recalled. “By the first week of sickness it was happening 15 times a day.”

Along with nausea and vomiting, Lauren suffered from debilitating dizziness. Blood tests revealed that her hormone levels were double that of a usual pregnancy.

Two days on she was admitted to hospital and put on IV fluids. “I couldn’t think straight,” she admitted. “The lights, noise and smells there made me feel really rough. I was crying a lot and I’m not a crier. I discharged myself after six hours.”

Unable to eat or get out of bed, she had to give up her job at an interiors shop.

At the time, she’d never heard of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), which is the same extreme morning sickness Duchess Kate Middleton suffered from and actress Amy Schumer revealed she was also suffering.

“My mind was racing,” she recalled. “Was this going to last for the full nine months? What will I do with the baby at the end? I felt like I was dying and I just wanted it to end.”

Lauren made an appointment with BPAS, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service.

“It’s awful but I felt like there was no option,” Lauren said. “I went in with my sick bowl and didn’t look at anyone.”

Lauren was 10 weeks pregnant when she was given a tablet to swallow, then three further tablets to take by putting them on a tampon to terminate the pregnancy.

“At first the relief outweighed the remorse,” she admitted.

“When I started to feel guilty I’d brush it under the carpet but occasionally I’d lie in bed and it would come to me.

“I didn’t want to open the floodgates so I locked it away. I didn’t think I could live with the guilt.”

Lauren has since welcomed a daughter and said NEVER again!

Lauren lost 2st 7lb during this time. The long, dark hair around her temples fell out in clumps and she couldn’t get out of bed, let alone wash or brush her teeth.

“I thought about not going through with it,” she admitted. “But there was no way I was going to do that again.”

At 18 weeks Lauren started to improve. She was still nauseous and sick every day, but could nibble on almonds and tinned mandarins.

Finally, at 27 weeks, the sickness stopped. Her healthy daughter, Rebecca, was born at 39 weeks weighing 6lb 11oz, with a mop of dark hair.

While she was elated to have finally become a mum, looking at her perfect baby meant the reality of her termination years before painfully hit home.

“My daughter is everything to me but I never want to feel that way again. Ever.

“The way I cope is to just not think about it. I’ll never be the same again.”

Share your comments below

  • Thank God i was never faced with this decision!


  • I cant imagine what she went through but I did suffer from nausea, not as severe. It is tough being pregnant. No judgement from me


  • I sought support with HG with each pregnancy and with each pregnancy the hospital stays were less.


  • It must be so hard to get this sick.
    It would be awesome when they discover a good treatment for HG.


  • It’s a personal choice. We can’t judge as we didn’t go through it


  • Her decision is understandable – it was unplanned, she was young and the illness is debilitating


  • That’s so sad. I’m glad she was able to push herself the second time, and enjoy her child to the fullest extent. I imagine her guilt would be massive over the first but that level of sickness is horrendous.


  • So awful how sick some people get during pregnancy I hope they find better remedies for these poor women.


  • What a horrible situation. I’m glad she went on with the pregnancy the second time, but I can imagine it was really hard and it’s not something she wants to repeat again. Being so sick. Not nice at all.


  • That would be a hard decision to make. Not knowing how long the sickness would last for. Even 27 weeks with the second pregnancy is a really long time to be so sick for. Good for her for not choosing termination again and seeing the second pregnancy through to the end


  • Oh how terrible for her. I feel for her, it’s not something you should have to go through when pregnant


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