

School Lunch Ideas that are NOT sandwiches are here to save you if you are tired of seeing sandwiches come home each day.

Are you sick of packing the same old school lunches? Kids totally over sandwiches? Don’t worry, we have 5 simple school lunch ideas to change up the good old lunchbox!

Here are 5 GREAT school lunch ideas that are NOT sandwiches.

1. Sweetcorn and Zucchini Fritters


These Sweetcorn and Zucchini Fritters are one of our favourite school lunch ideas that aren’t sandwiches. These are such a tasty way to get veggies into the kids. Say goodbye to sandwiches and hello to a yummy alternative. These fritters are quick, easy and so yummy! Simple recipe right here.

2. Spinach and Pea Mini Quiche


School Lunch Ideas like this super simple quiche recipe are awesome – we love that you can mix it up when it comes to filling ideas!

Easy Peasy (see what we did there…) recipe here.

3. Cheesy Mite Scrolls


Kids are going to be cheering for school lunch ideas like these Cheesy Mite Scrolls. Is there anything better than Vegemite and Cheese baked into a yummy scroll? Absolutely not, and most kids agree! Click here to get the recipe.

4. Zucchini, Potato and Carrot Rostis

zuchinni potato and carrot rosti image_adj-750x516

Rostis are SUCH a tasty lunch option, and are still scrumpdiddlyumptious when served cold. Yummy recipe here.

5. Chicken Sausage Rolls


I don’t know many kids that would pass up a sausage roll, and these little bites of heaven are on the healthier side of sausage rolls! Add these to your school lunch ideas that aren’t sandwiches list today!  Whip them up today – click here for recipe.

Do you have any school lunch ideas that aren’t sandwiches to add to our list?

Let us know in the comments below or head on over to our recipes section and upload to share with our community! 

You’ll also find some awesome school lunch ideas right here too.

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  • bacon and Egg Pie is always a winner in this house


  • I recon the scrolls would be a winner with my fam bam.


  • Some very good ideas for this school year. Some kids will love these ideas


  • Thanks for this, we’re coasting on fumes towards the end of term 4


  • Love them all.


  • Good alternatives. It’s so hard to keep lunch boxes interesting and it gets hard for us lunch makers too trying to think of different things


  • Ooh yum (and now I’M getting hungry!)


  • Yum, I love all of these ideas for me. My son is a creature of habit, so would not eat any of those for lunch. Straight sandwich only.


  • Love these ideas, especially the fritter yummy


  • Great ideas!!


  • Nice ideas but my kids don’t like these cold.


  • Awesome! Healthy and delicious!


  • Lovely ideas. Super healthy


  • Great ideas they look very healthy and simple to prepare of course Thanks


  • I’m so glad that my kids school provides lunch for this very reason haha although my oldest goes to high school next year so need to start thinking about lunches again


  • argh I hate making lunch boxes – I ask my kids 8 and 12 what they would like to eat and the answers are never helpful! – they normally get home made popcorn, carrot sticks, something sweet that is homemade and fruit! I want them to have variety so I can have variety each morning when I make them lol!

    I am going to try the fritters and see how they go,


  • Ooh the chicken sausage rolls sound delicous.


  • Problem with all these lovely ideas is that they’re nicer hot/warm then cold. My kids end up not eating them and bringing them home to heat it up and eat it after school.


  • Excellent ideas here, thanks.


  • What a great altermative.


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