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We found a great way to print patterns onto a beehive – using the tops of small plastic water bottles. They make great beehive shapes – and even though they are not 100% accurate – meaning they are not hexagons, they will do nicely!
- Empty soda or water bottles (lid removed) (small ones work the best as small hands can hold them)
- Yellow and black paint
- Cardboard
- A little hand or two
- Materials for eyes, wings and feelers for the bees... we used googly eyes and earbuds
- Cut out your beehive shape and add some paint to a plate.
- Dip the top of the bottle into the paint and print away! It is that simple. It looks great!
- The beehive now needs some bees!
We used our hands to make them. Paint on stripes and print print print! - Once the hand prints are dry, shadow cut around them and add wings and eyes and feelers! Put it all together and you have a great bee filled beehive!
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