
33 Comment

A great activity. You can create the fossils then use them in a number of other activities.


  • 1 Cup Salt
  • 1 Cup Flour
  • 1 Cup Of Water
  • 1 or more Plastic Dinosaurs


  1. In a large bowl mix salt and flour together.
    Gradually stir in water. Mix well until it forms a doughy mixture. Turn the dough onto a board or counter and kneed with your hands until smooth.
  2. Roll the dough out flat with a rolling pin or make flat oval shaped. Press your plastic dinosaurs into the dough and remove. Making a dinosaur imprint.
  3. Place the salt dough fossil shapes in the oven at 160 degrees (fan forced). The amount of time needed to bake depends on the size and thickness of the dough. A thin layer takes around 15 minutes.
  4. Remove from oven and allow to cool.


You may like to paint these as an activity, hide them in a sand pit or play hide and seek with them in the yard. You can also get your original plastic dinosaurs and match them up. Great educational activity for identifying dinosaur species.

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About The Author

Kate Shelby is an Australian mum blogger, mother and lover of superheroes in tight pants. Between raising kids and tackling life's curve balls you will find her at australianmum.com

Author's webpage/blog: Australian Mum

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  • The dinosaur fossils look amazing and alot of fun to make!


  • These look so fantastic. Very impressive.


  • Fab idea especially for a dinosaur themed party!


  • Awesome project for children,


  • Love it !


  • This looks like easy and cheap fun…..will definitely be doing this with the kids in the holidays.


  • What a fun idea. I know so many kids that are huge dinosaur fans. They would love this.


  • Thanks for this idea. Will use it in near future to entertain my grand kids.


  • Great idea to make this on a rainy day. Then when fine and sunny again a further treasure hunt outside could be planned.


  • I have made some of these. We hid them in the garden and sandpit. Great idea


  • They are so cute! What a lovely idea you had!!


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