
105 Comment

These DIY Christmas cards are very very cute! They look great and because little feet have participated, they are also very special.


  • Card or thick paper
  • Paint (we used brown)
  • A marker – or other antler drawing materials
  • Eyes – we used googly eyes, you can make your own, draw them on, use buttons…
  • A shiny nose. We used a red pom pom!


  1. Print your footprint onto the card. We printed many feet, because it’s fun and because footprints don’t always work the first time… We printed onto a larger piece of paper and then cut out the best one!
  2. When your footprint is dry, it is time to give your reindeer a face. We stuck on a pom pom nose, drew on two antlers and gave him googly eyes!
  3. The last step was to stick the footprint reindeer onto a red card. A very special Christmas Card indeed!

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About The Author

Hi! I am Julie from Emma Owl. Julie: Masters & Phd in patience, Tantrum & Melt down Negotiator, Tooth brushing Instructor, Manners Expert, Toy repair Specialist, Play-date social Secretary - Coordinator of Chaos. With a corporate background I am now full time Mommy to two Children, and loving every minute of it! I manage the Emma Owl Blog, it keeps me busy and keeps my mind active. Originally from South Africa I am now a fully fledged Dutchwoman! Windmills and all!

Author's webpage/blog: Emma Owl

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  • What a really cute idea.


  • I love this so adorable will be doing this for Christmas coming


  • What a fun idea for Xmas. You could do one each year to see how much the kids are growing!


  • Such a cute holiday craft


  • I have created these with my preschool children many times and they always turn out so cute 🙂


  • The humble hand and footprints can be used to create so many cute art activities


  • Super cute. How many things have been made from hand and/or footprints? But I’ve never seen a reindeer. Great for xmas


  • Very cute ! My 6yr old did the whole alphabet at school with hand and foot prints 🙂


  • What a fantastic idea – I could imagine many grandparents holding on to a Christmas card like this to show their grandchild just how small their footprint once was. Thanks so much for sharing this idea.


  • Brilliant idea. such a great project. Thank you


  • What a superb and mega cute idea! Our toddler would love making these!!


  • I LOOOOVE seeing these things, but then I often forget about them closer to Xmas and never end up doing all these cute crafts


  • oh these are super cute! and they look really easy as well and make great grandparent gifts! these would also be really good for kids to do at day care


  • Such a cute idea that the kids will love as they can paint each other and me!


  • This would be great for the kids to make for family. They’d have a wonderful time making them and seeing peoples reaction when they were received.


  • Great idea for a Xmas present for the grandparents


  • Fun and creative.


  • I did this when my daughter was a bub and then again every 3 years but we used hands as antlers. They made great gifts too for the grandparents who still to this day have them


  • Hahaha, I love this. And so easy. This is so cute and fun to do with kids.


  • A great project and gift for the grandparents


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