
22 Comment

A great activity for combining art and craft with keepsake items that will last forever. Can also double as a Valentines activity.


  • 2 Sheets Of Coloured Paper (Shiny/Foil works best)
  • 1 Strip of Blue tac or tape
  • 1 Scissors
  • 1 Camera (Phone Camera is fine)


  1. Draw some love hearts on your paper and cut them out. Its best to to around 20 Smaller hearts and 8-9 bigger heats.
  2. Stick them on the wall (tiles area is best, we used the shower) in an arrangement from small to large as shown in the picture.
  3. Have your child cup there hands at the bottom of the hearts as if they are magically appearing out of their hands. Take a photo and Frame it to keep forever.


You can opt for any shape. We have also used butterflies and stars.

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About The Author

Kate Shelby is an Australian mum blogger, mother and lover of superheroes in tight pants. Between raising kids and tackling life's curve balls you will find her at australianmum.com

Author's webpage/blog: Australian Mum

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