
80 Comment

Why spend money on a dolls house when you can create your own from your recycling!


  • 1 Cardboard box
  • 1 Scissors
  • 1 Stickytape
  • 2 Toilet rolls
  • Various Tissue papers
  • Various Permanent markers and pencils
  • 2 Small balls of wool for fairy hair


  1. Dismantle a wine box and fashion into the shape of a dolls house using tape and scissors.
  2. Cut in details like windows and a door..
  3. Decorate the house. I used wrapping paper to line the internal walls and sgarpies and pencils to decorate the outside. Let the kids decorate!
  4. Create fairies by adding facial features, sticky tape wool for hair and cut and tape on tissue paper wings and dresses.
  5. Have fun playing with it all! Create a whole village and more fairies to keep the fun going.

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This project was posted by:

  • mum300445
    • 24 Aug 2021
      10:40 pm

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  • Love this! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  • Love this! My 5 year old always wants to craft and I am going to show her this as apart from me having to cut the door and window she should be able to do the rest herself….so will be pleased and feel acomplished.


  • This is such a fun and cute fairy house


  • Fun to make, even get the kids to help, fun to play with but not as good as a wooden one or a bought one. Sorry


  • Yes, please recycle and re-use if you can and this looks very easy to make and cute to make and love the kids decorate it themselves.


  • those fairies are adorable


  • My little girl will love to have a go at this herself.


  • Such a cute idea!
    I love how you made fairies to go with the house out of toilet rolls.
    My toddler would love this. She has been asking for a fairy house for ages.


  • Such a cool idea my 3 year old will love this thanks for sharing


  • That’s so inventive and easy to dispose of when they no longer want it.


  • Oh the things you can do with cardboard boxes…love it totally


  • Love this ! I used to do a lot of recycle art with my eldest 2. Especially my eldest was absolutely gifted !


  • Children always love being able to help make something and this doll’s house will incorporate their own ideas so will be more loved by them and be more beneficial as well.


  • I love this idea! It’s so simply, yet I can imagine Miss 5 delighting in creating it.


  • I can remember doing this with my eldest granddaughter & her sheer delight in spending hours playing with it. Give a child a cardboard box & watch how creative they can be. Priceless!


  • Haha very clever. Kids always love the box over what’s inside it so a great use of the box.


  • Very cute. I will make one with my kids.


  • These little toilet paper roll fairies are so cute!! My son would love this


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