
Chucking a wobbly, throwing a tanty – whatever you call it, toddlers are world champions at it, and Aussie toddlers in particular are teeny tantrum experts!

New research has revealed five million toddler tantrums are being thrown in Australian homes every day, that’s an average of four toddler tantrums a day!

A survey of 1000 Australian parents with children aged between one and five-years-old has lifted the lid on tantruming tots, revealing that seven in 10 parents of toddlers deal with at least one ‘power struggle’ a day, with one in five parents experiencing more than five daily tantrums.

Even though toddler tantrums are something most parents are struggling with daily, the survey also found that many parents feel frustrated, embarrassed and guilty when they happen in public.

When are most toddler tantrums happening?

Toddler tantrum

According to the parents that were surveyed, the majority of tantrums happen at mealtimes (55%), followed followed closely by bedtime and when getting toddlers dressed.

Another big tantrum trigger is trying to get toddlers to leave the playground, and getting the tots in and out of the car.

What can you do about toddler tantrums?

While we’re most likely to take on the blame and frustration for toddler tantrums, the experts say we need to go a little easier on ourselves as parents and take control of our own emotions first.

“When you’re listening to safety instructions before a flight, you’re told to apply your own oxygen mask first, before the children,” said Paediatric Psychologist Amanda Abel.

“The same applies when managing challenging toddler behaviour. One of the most challenging moments for a parent can be when their child is expressing big feelings, but when our own emotions impact our response to the feelings of our child, our attempts at managing tantrums are not effective.”

Toddler tantrum

The experts say we should take comfort from the research, in knowing that we’re not alone when it comes to toddler tantrums.

“It’s important to recognise that toddlers are supposed to be testing boundaries and seeking independence – it’s an intrinsic part of their development,” explained Paediatrician Daniel Golshevsky (Dr Golly).

“Normalising developmentally appropriate behaviour is an important part of reassuring parents and reducing the concern that parents of toddlers often have around their child’s behaviour.”

To help steer through the tricky toddler years, Dr Golly and Amanda Abel have created the Toddler Toolkit. It’s a parenting program that’s aimed at empowering parents with the tools they need to help them navigate the toddler years with practical tips to help with the common (and totally normal!) toddler behaviours we all encounter.

The self-paced toolkit covers 35 scenarios that may trigger challenging toddler behaviour, and gives parents tips to help de-escalate the situations.

How many tantrums is your toddler having every day? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • In our household it all depends on the child and what we’re doing.


  • I feel like it may depend on the day – some days more, some less.


  • Sounds about right


  • I was lucky my son never had a tanty in public, and he honestly didnt have very many bad ones at home. we were very lucky with him!


  • I’m at toddler number 4 now, and after dealing with her brothers tantrums her little tantrums just make me say awwww. She has the sulky tantrums, a lot easier to deal with than the full blown screaming and kicking of her older brothers haha


  • A couple of people offered me help during tantys and I really appreciated the support.


  • I remember the terrible twos and it went onto the terrible threes as well.


  • 4? i swear kids throw at least 10 tantrums per day – kids will be kids at the end of the day


  • My boys would throw tantrums when we were shopping but I learnt a trick that worked with them. If they started throwing one while I was shopping I’d put the groceries back on the shelf, put the trolley back then I’d take them back to the car and head home. They soon got the message and behaved themselves. If they threw a tantrum anywhere else I’d just say goodbye, get my keys (showed them of course) and head for the car. I would never let them out of my sight but when they realised I was serious they’d stop and run up to me. It worked for me but no guarantee it would work for anyone else’s children.


  • My toddler threw tantrums regularly and they were so intense and exhausting. In fact, they didn’t stop when he started school, etc. It was only when he was diagnosed with ASD that it was explained based on the intensity and severity that they were meltdowns, not tantrums. I felt relief at that news, believe it or not that I had a reason on why they were so much worse than others.


  • I cannot remember my children having a tantrum anywhere. They knew it wasn’t acceptable, and didn’t have them. Cannot stand listening to them in supermarkets, etc., so always make sure I shop when there are no children around.


  • I think a lot of parents have become lax in their parenting, which may account for such a high number of Australians. In other countries parents are more strict.


  • At times I’m not sure my older kids grew out of them !


  • Gosh some days it feels like endless tantrums


  • If my toddler stated to throw a wobbly I would mimic her. She would look at me and try again with the wobbly, after the 2nd time she gave up. Mind you it backfired a couple of times but overall it stopped her before she could have a massive meltdown.


  • Gosh my sons excelling in tantrums then haha it’s ridiculous so many emotions


  • I feel so sorry for other parents when I witness a tantrum. It’s embarrassing and there’s very little you can do about it.


  • Interesting read. My 4 yr old has only just started with the tantrums but they aren’t bad compared to others kids I’ve seen and heard.


  • Yes we do have a few tantrums. But my twins fight more with each other than having tantrums.


  • Tantrums are not common in our household also. Our children will, sure, want things, won’t get things and are forever questioning things, but throwing a tantrum is not acceptable & they know that it will get them in a worse position from that behavior.
    Set the ground rules early & set the boundaries to acceptable and not acceptable behavior.
    I know it may not work for all but works for us.


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