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Coles is certainly going against the flow these days and bravely (or perhaps stupidly?) bucking age-old festive food traditions.

First, the supermarket giant decided to sell hot cross buns year-round (shock! horror!) and now they’ve announced that they will be stocking fruit mince pies over 120 days early!

These classic fruit mince filled pies are usually spotted on shelves from early December, so consumers are a bit shocked (and confused) about the thought of filling their trolleys with Christmas bakery treats in August!

Opinions Are Divided

As reported in news.com.au, festive fans have labelled this controversial decision ‘gross’ and are fuming that Coles ‘destroyed the true meaning’ of this tasty tradition.

“It’s just too damn early to be selling Christmas stuff, take the excitement away,” said one tweet.

Others, however, have embraced this move saying that they are excited that they don’t have to wait months to get a bite of their favourite festive treats.

“Nothing wrong with Christmas in August,” another added. “If Christmas is the best day of the year (for most) then shouldn’t everyday be just like Christmas,” said a facebook commenter.

Early Pies Mean More Dough For Coles

Even though customarily, mince pies are meant to be eaten for good luck between Christmas Day and 5 January (Twelfth Night), most shops start stocking the sweet pastries a few weeks before the 25th.

However, 19 weeks early is the earliest we’ve seen Mince Pies hit the shelves.

We doubt that bringing early festivity to our tummies played part in this strategy. With Coles selling over 11.5 million mince pies last year, bringing the pies into the shelves earlier, will certainly mean much more dough for the supermarket.

“People clearly don’t want to wait for a little taste of Christmas, and we believe this season’s pies are the supermarket’s best yet. This year we’ve packed in even more fruit — more than twice as much as last year — inside a melt-in-your-mouth shortcrust pastry,” Coles product developer Liz da Silva has said.

Coles’ Christmas fruit mince pies are now available for purchase for $2 for a pack of six.

Do you think pre-Christmas mince pies are a good idea or not? Tell us in the comments below.

More On Mouths of Mums

  • I don’t fancy mince pies anyway, also not during Xmas time. But I agree with other comments that it would be too early to start selling Xmas stuff in August.


  • I won’t eat them no matter when they sell them as I can’t stand them, so I don’t associate them with Christmas

    • We very much associate mince pies with Christmas.


  • We like to eat particular foods at special times and mince pies and other foods are indeed festive fare.


  • Not something I enjoy but great for those who love them


  • Somethings should be saved for certain times.
    We personally don’t eat them.


  • It does kind of reduce the excitement around Christmas.


  • Personally there are some products like mince pies and hot cross buns that I just buy when the festivity approaches. Buying and eating them earlier, would just stop making them special!


  • I think you can get home branded mince pies all year round already anyway?


  • I think by selling them this early it detracts from the excitement of Christmas a little …. the festive season, for me anyway, starts mid November which gives me plenty of time for the excitement to build ,,,,

    • I whole heartedly agree with you. A bit of the magic of Christmas is taken away as we get older, and then when shops do things like this, it takes even more away. It’s way too early In my opinion


  • Way too early! (But I know I will be buying and eating before Christmas!!)


  • Ridiculous – they bring stuff out for Christmas and Easter way too early!


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