
167 Entries

Please note this competition is open from 20 January 2019 to 31 January 2019 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. A. CockramNSW
  2. G. CobbNSW
  3. J. BuckleyNSW
  4. M. RowleyVIC
  • For kids who won’t eat sandwiches make up pasta salads and put them in thermos containers they’re getting carbs, proteins and veggies and they stay fresh and cold

  • Prepare ahead of time. Check you have all their uniforms, stationery and books ready. Make sure you get some of their favourite snacks prepared/bought. Start getting them up at the right time each morning about a week before so they are ready for the first day!

  • Buy things in advanced and practice morning routine a few days before the school starts.

  • Be organised,
    make it fun,
    Give kids responsibility
    Encourage them
    Tell them it’s ok to make mistakes

  • Get on to routine. A well stocked desk in quiet place in home is the key. Keep calendar for home work & important dates. Start and do work slowly & home work as well. Organize the night before to avoid headache. plan lunch, fruit for the whole week.

  • Make sure that you ease the child into school and no big plans are made in the first week of school like tuition as it gets too overwhleming. Also pack a little extra lunch as there bodies need to time to get back into routine.

  • Create a weekly timetable which includes putting in study time and time for breaks too. Also limiting time on social media.

  • Be prepared – spend half a day in the weekend making up batches of snacks for the kids so that packing lunches is easy

  • I always get. My daughter to wear the new school shoes around the house before conquering school, saves those first day blisters and in high school the less dramas on the first day back the better

  • LABEL EVERYTHING TWICE!! Get the kids excited by letting them pick items, when it comes to book covering I let the kids pick wrapping paper and then I clear contact the books over the wrapping paper it gives them more options and less likely that another student will have the same covers.

  • Drop and RUN … no seriously start your prep week b4 uniforms luch boxes lunch menu choices on a white board then day one drop and run.

  • I am new to the ‘back to school’ rather I am in the ‘starting school’ phase. I found out I can bulk freeze a term worth of sandwiches and I think this is the biggest tip I can share with anyone.

  • Plan lunched. If I don’t plan my son eats junk, so we make healthy stuff together that he can just grab and go.

  • Buy everything you need just before school so it doesn’t end up lost and needing to be replaced.

  • Don’t stress about it. Be as organised as you can but you can always get things you need once school goes back

  • Buy plastic book cover sleeves that relate to each subject such as printed equations for maths – saves me so much time not have to cover books anymore (which I used to dread) and they are so bright and make learning more fun.

  • Have a designated area for School Bags, Library Bags, Homework, Uniforms and Notes for Mum so everything is easily located when needed.

  • Pack lunches whilst your making dinner it saves the time and the mess

  • Just relax and breathe!

  • Get as much as you can done well ahead of time, even though it may feel too soon, or you may not be ready! It pays off in the long run…label up all the books and pencils a week ahead, clean out the bags, try on their shoes and uniforms to make sure they all match, buy lots of beautiful fruits and interesting snacks at the supermarket so that they are excited about starting again.

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