
392 Entries

Each lucky winner will receive a science kit pack valued at $100 which includes 1 x Dinosaur Dig Kit, 1 x Break Open Geode, 1 x Glow in the Dark Slime Kit and 1 x Shark Tooth Dig Kit

With a mission to inspire people to care about the planet, the National Geographic™ Society is one of the world’s largest non-profit scientific and educational organisations. These kits embody National Geographic’s adventurous spirit and are a must have for any National Geographic fan!

Let kids be up-and-coming paleontologists as they uncover real specimens hidden in a molded brick. Using custom digging tools, a magnifying glass and the colourful National Geographic learning guide, fossil hunters dig to find the fossil specimens buried inside.

The real fossils include cool dinosaur bones, a mosasaur tooth, shark teeth, premium geodes and more. Kits available at Australian Geographic, Big W, David Jones and Kidstuff.

For more information visit; http://www.ugames.com.au/

Please note this competition is open from 22nd August 2017 until 22nd September 2017 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. A. NicolasNSW
  2. R. FergusonQLD
  3. C. BeaumontVIC
  4. H. DerrickQLD
  5. K. CloughSA
  • The Dinosaur Dig kit, my son is a mad dino fan and he’d lovew nothing more than to uncover his own dinosaur!

  • Glow in the dark slime lab because they are so into slime at the moment!

  • I must admit, I’d love the National Geographic Break Open Geodes Science Kit because I like finding hidden treasures inside something that looks quite plain! I would love to do this kit with my daughter and see her face when the inside is revealed! I love science!

  • My kids like to get their hands dirty. The gooier the better. So I reckon they would love getting stuck into the glow in the dark slime.

  • Dinosaur fossil dig kit, as our children need to know what life was like before technology and why the dinosaurs became extinct, and these kits are very educational

  • The dinosaur dig kit, my niece loves dinosaurs so she can watch me play with this.

  • It must be in the genes… Master 6 is obsessed with rocks, collecting them, trying to identify them, using them in art work….Grand Dad is a geologist and is visiting soon..They would have brilliant bonding sessions with the Geode Kit… or for that matter , with any of the other science kits too.

  • My 11 year old would like the Break Open Geode kit – he loves collecting rocks and breaking them to see what is inside and my 8 year old would have fun with the Slime Kit.

  • Geos would be cool and unique but any would be fun.

  • I would be happy to win any, all of them look interesting and I will be very grateful… Thank you

  • My 5yo is a little geologist – my house is overcome with stones and gems and ‘treasures’. How much she would adore a wonderful Break Open Geode kit to work on and admire – hours and hours of delight there!

  • The Break Open Geodes Science Kit looks like an awesome prize,
    the kids would love to play with it, and Mummy too thinks it is nice! ;)

  • Dinosaur Dig Kit – I want to donate as part of my yearly Xmas gifts to a local Women and Childrens Centre for victims of domestic violence. Activities like this, help take the kids into a better world for a while.

  • My son loves science experiments and he’s done fossil digs before but he’s never had the opportunity to do anything like the Break Open Geode kit so that would be the one I choose. The photo is of my son experimenting with a water filtration kit he put together.

  • Dinosaur Dig Kit would be perfect for my son who loves exploring and dinosaurs.

  • The Glow in the dark kit; I have always found things that glow in the dark fascinating and entertaining. This would be perfect entertainment for my family

  • Dinosaur Dig Kit as my two Grandsons love Dinosaurs and everything about them.

  • we would love the break open geodes science kit as we have just started homeschooling and my 5 year old is learning about crystals and precious stones so this would be perfect to add to our science lessons.

  • My daughter is obsessed with rocks, she collects them for her room, buys them from book club and takes delight in learning about them, so she of course will be so excited to Break Open Geode and discover it’s hidden treasure!

  • My son has a thirst to learn everything he can and would go nuts over all of these, but being dinosaur obsessed, he would definitely love the Dinosaur Fossil Dig Kit the most. He’d love to think he’s being an “archologist”, as he puts it.

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