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A couple has hilariously announced their decision to have a child-free life, by staging a vasectomy photo shoot.

Tyler Frederick, 29, and Chelsea Roy, 23, posted the series of tongue-in-cheek images on Facebook, to let their family and friends know they’d made the decision to never have children. “We have a very exciting announcement to make! We are expecting… NEVER! Got snipped mid December and looking forward to the child free life.”

Vasectomy announcement photos 4

Understandably, the photos have since gone viral, with more than 10,000 comments on the Facebook post – and not all of them supportive. While the pair has been together for four years, they had both made the decision not to have kids before they even met.

“For as long as I can remember, I have not wanted to have kids,” Chelsea told TODAY Parents. “And everyone who knew me knew that, so I wasn’t pressured much since my answer never changed.”

‘Coming NEVER’

Couple announces vasectomy with photos

The situation is much the same for Tyler, who says those closest to him have always understood his decision. “I have a lot of older cousins that don’t have kids, so I think they have taken the attention off of me a bit,” he said. “I have not been too fond of children for a while, and my close friends and family have known that.”

After Tyler underwent a vasectomy in December last year, the couple decided to celebrate with a fun photoshoot, in a similar vein to a pregnancy shoot. Except their images would swap out props like teeny shoes for a pair of men’s undies, scissors and a onesie emblazoned with the words: “Coming NEVER”.

Child free photo shoot

Vasectomy announcement 1

Vasectomy announcement couple

Vasectomy announcement photos

Vasectomy announcement photo shoot 1

Tyler’s friend, photographer Elijah VanDine took the hilarious images, and sent them to the pair just before they headed off on a trip. They uploaded the photos to Facebook, and when they returned, discovered they’d gone viral.

“The public reaction is crazy to me,” Tyler said. “The post wasn’t even made public at first, and even after I did make it public I didn’t expect more than maybe a few hundred shares.

“Lots of comments of people wanting to recreate it with their partners. And other people saying thank you for celebrating and normalising this decision.”

Vasectomy announcement 3

In Australia, around one in four men over the age of 40 has had a vasectomy, which is a procedure that cuts the tubes which carry sperm to the testes. Legally, anyone over the age of 18 can get a vasectomy in Australia, but some vasectomists aren’t comfortable performing the procedure on men under 30, particularly if they haven’t had children.

“If these pictures makes things any easier for someone pressured into having kids, or helps normalise this choice, then I’m happy to have helped others even just a little,” Tyler said. “A growing number of people are choosing the child-free life for many number of reasons, so it’s probably best to wait for them to bring up any news than asking quite personal questions.”

Want to read more interesting vasectomy articles? Head here next:

What do you think of this photo shoot? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Nothing wrong with this! Think about it – couples without kids are exposed to heaps of baby announcements , so why not put the shoe on the other foot and have some fun with it?
    As far as for their age and if they will regret it – it’s up to them!


  • I have known lot of couples who do not wish to have kids. But definitely this is the first time I have seen a photo shoot. Creative brains.


  • Nice way to stop people for asking when are you going to have children but I suppose they will only know if they see the photos.


  • That’s absolutely hilarious, good on them haha it’s no one else’s business to comment negatively against. someone’s desire to have children it’s a personal choice, and no one should be judged on which way anyone chooses


  • That’s one way of getting everyone to back off!


  • I always wonder what moves people to share this with the world


  • I wouldn’t announce it quite like that but each to their own.
    As long as they’re happy with their decision then that’s all that matters.


  • Okay….the photo shoot is strange, but if it fits with them….each to their own 🙂


  • Well, that surely is a different type of announcement.


  • Kids arent for everyone and they would know what’s best for them personally. If they regret or change their mind down the line, thats their choice as well.


  • Good on them! Why shouldn’t they share their joy with the internet like every other ‘thirsty for likes’ couple with their OTT sharing of every little detail of their lives. They made a choice, they’re happy.

    I think it would have gone over better with pictures of them drinking cocktails at a beach resort, sleeping til noon, having clean and nice things at home and watching films that don’t begin with a hopping desk lamp. You know, the envy of parents everywhere. No, just me? Ok


  • It’ll be annoying if they change their mind later on.
    For a big chunk of my life I didn’t want kids then I accidentally fell pregnant. I was heaps anxious and had mixed feelings but I couldn’t terminate as I know a lot of people can’t have kids so went ahead with it and haven’t regretted a minute.


  • That is a true classic. ???? Love it. Good on them reaching such a decision. I wish them well.


  • I think this is hilarious! What a creative way to do it. It’s not all doom and gloom! And as we all know vasectomy’s are reversible so they do have the option of changing their mind down the road if that’s what they decide.


  • I find this really sad. In my early 20s I didn’t think I wanted kids either. But now I’m turning 30 and the greatest moment in my life was becoming a Mother. Nothing compares to the joy and love my daughter makes me feel. I want more children in the future. Family is everything.


  • This is great. Absolutely love the humour.
    Everyone is allowed to make their decision about reproducing and that’s what they have chosen. It’s always reversible if things change


  • It’s always reversible if either changes their mind! Though it might just be a fun way to announce/coping mechanism If their decision was not voluntary.
    I take it light hearted though! Woulf love to see the woman’s side of the photo shoot as wel!


  • Haha, love it!


  • As long as they’re both happy, I don’t see the problem. But I can understand medical reluctance if someone is young and haven’t met a long term partner yet: ideally they need to agree.


  • Wow. Umm…. I mean they’re both really young….


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