CategoryToddlers & Preschool
What do you think about the formula shortage?
What do other mums think of the baby formula problem in Australia at the moment? All the people buying up our formula to...
16 AnswersWhere is the best place to buy a trampoline?
Would love to get my 3 girls a trampoline for their joint birthday present in February, would love to find a good quality...
11 AnswersIdeas to keep snakes away from our backyard?
We live in a suburban area but our backyard finishes and there are paddocks behind it. We have a dog and small children,...
13 AnswersWhere do you take your toddlers on holidays?
Do you take them to caravan parks near the beach or ones which have pools?
5 AnswersHow did you choose which childcare to send your ch...
Did you choose close to home because it’s easier?
14 AnswersDoes your toddler wake up and jump into your bed a...
I have a 3 1/2 year old. occasionally he will wake and walk down to our bedroom and...
11 AnswersHave your kids ever put anything into ears/nose?
Have your kids ever stuck anything up their nose or into ears that was difficult to get out?...
27 AnswersWhat do other mums use to keep mosquitoes away?
My son is covered in mosquito bites and keeps getting more and more. He has constant sores from...
18 AnswersDoes anyone know of any kid’s birthday party pla...
Hi Ladies, I was planning on organizing my sons 2nd birthday to be a big bash. However, I...
5 AnswersHow do I stop bugs eating my strawberries as soon ...
Our strawberry patch is growing really well and we’ve had lots of fruit this year, but often there...
10 Answers3 year old birthday – ideas needed
My sons 3rd birthday is early next year – what should I do for it? should I have a party, just invite rellies...
11 AnswersHow do I calm down a very active four year old at ...
I have a daughter that is so energetic that she goes to bed around 10 o clock at...
10 AnswersDo your children have money boxes or piggy banks?
We have piggy banks for our girls as we are trying to teach them how to save money...
22 AnswersAsthma and Children?
My child has had a cough pretty much since she started child care 8 months ago and doesn’t seem to be going away....
13 AnswersWho is a big fan of Lego?
My husband if he could would open a factory built out of Lego he loves it that much and with him liking it...
18 AnswersIs it okay to spoil your children?
We spoil our children every now and again, in moderation of course, do you spoil your children?
16 AnswersWhat age can kids have fizzy drinks?
What is the best age for them to have a special drink for a special occasion? I know they have stacks of sugar...
13 AnswersDoes your toddler drink cows milk or formula?
My little man is 16 months and eats well but I still give him formula….perhaps it’s peace of mind that he is getting...
13 AnswersDisciplining Children?
Disciplining children? What are your thoughts about disciplining children? What do you do? If you do anything?
9 AnswersHow do I help my daughter with kindergarten separa...
My daughter is currently completing her first year at school in Kindergarten. This last week or so she...
6 AnswersPublic Transport?
Does any mums like using public transport? How do you do it with small children? I have done it a couple of times...
13 AnswersGames we played when we were little?
What are your thoughts for this day and age about cops and robbers? Games we played when we were little? Is it okay?...
10 Answers