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Hilaria Baldwin wrote a letter to her three-year-old daughter after the elections, telling her never let ‘anyone belittle you for your gender’.

The 32-year-old mum, who has three children with husband Alec Baldwin, wrote: ‘We are strong women and worth every bit as much as any man. We are not things to be owned or objectified.’

Her Instagram post read, “My little woman, my little lady…my princess, my smart, brilliant, bright future.
Never listen to anyone belittle you for your gender. We are strong women and worth every bit as much as any man. We are not things to be owned or objectified.

There is nothing wrong with feeling beautiful–just understand that true beauty is transmitted from deep inside your soul and shines outward. I worry you might get confused…

I worry that you could fall for misogynistic thoughts and statements. Because there seems to be so many flying around these days–in such high places of power.

You are too good for this. We all are. Every woman is. Feeling sexy, attractive, special, and wanted is only meaningful if it comes from the right person.

You don’t need that attention from anyone who doesn’t respect you wholeheartedly. They have their own lives to lead, their own problems to figure out. And we can only pray that they will find a path of goodness.

Don’t feel power in their meaningless thoughts and idiotic statements. Sometimes this is how some figure out their demons. Those who treat others this way most likely had something terrible happen to them.

We must show compassion for their pain, while, at the same time, protect ourselves. Anyone who doesn’t treat you with the utmost respect is not worth your time. Always be kind, confident.

Just nod and walk in the other direction–towards true power, happiness, and grace.

Waste no energy. Own your amazingness…stick together with those who see you and treat you brilliantly. So you can do the same for them.”

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Image via Getty

  • Very good advice. I would not have given photos of my children for the press to use. That is stupidity


  • When our kids face all kind of messages when they grow up it’s good to make sure they understand that love, respect and acceptance are important


  • Very beautiful letter with a very strong message inside.
    It comes out now because of Donald Trump? 🙂


  • I like her sentiments but disagree when it comes to separating how we teach girls and how we teach boys to behave. Both genders need to be taught to be good to themselves as well as to each other.


  • Great sentiments, hard to live them.


  • Great letter. It sums up everything that your daughter needs to know to grow up and be an intelligent, self respecting beautiful woman!


  • A Narcissistic woman who will do anything to be in the spotlight.


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