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Naming a new baby is a personal, heartfelt decision that parents spend months labouring over. But this mum-to-be says the decision has been snatched away by her mother-in-law, and her husband.

The 28-year-old woman says she and her husband are expecting their first baby together – a little girl. And her due date is fast approaching. The first-time-mum says she decided to honour her grandmother, by naming her daughter after her – and her husband was on board.

“I spent most of my childhood and teen years with my grandparents,” the mum-to-be explained on reddit. “I was extremely close with my grandmother and was devastated when she passed away in 2016 from lung cancer. We live close to my grandfather and visit him on a daily basis. It means so much to my grandfather that we are naming our daughter ‘Anne’.”

‘You’re going to be naming her after me’

The woman admits that she and her mother-in-law have a frosty relationship, but for the most part, they get along.

“My MIL and I are cordial when we get together. My husband is her only child, and she feels like since I stepped into his life, their relationship changed. He is still very close with her, but he doesn’t visit often because of the pregnancy.

“MIL invited us over for a small dinner party and I thought it was going to be a pleasant evening. When we sat down for dinner, my MIL turns to me and says, ‘Husband and I spoke this past week and he told me that you were going to be changing her name to be after me’. I could feel my anxiety level rising and said, ‘No. We are still planning on keeping her name to be Anne. Right?’ I gave my husband a look and he doesn’t say anything. My MIL makes a face and says, ‘Well, it seems like husband is not on board with her name’.”

Ouch! The upset expecting mum says she finished her dinner and told her husband they were leaving.

“We get into the car and husband tries to apologise. I told him that I was angry with him for not discussing with me and even more upset with MIL. MIL sent me a few text messages regarding my behaviour that evening and hopes I will change my mind.”

The woman is now wondering if she’s the one in the wrong for being upset at her mother-in-law and husband.

What do you think? Does she have a right to be upset? Let us know in the comments below.

We have a treasure trove of beautiful and unique baby names! Read through them next:

  • The husband seems to be a fence sitter and unable to be open and honest with his mum. Stick to your chosen name, it’s your creation of love, not hers.


  • This is wrong it should be up to you and your husband to name your baby maybe include her name but definitely not let her walk all over you, your husband should be standing up and supporting you or otherwise his mother will be doing this your entire marriage boundries need to be set.


  • This is rather sick. Sounds to me that MIL has an ego problem and husband should stand besides his wife.


  • That’s absolute crap. She already told her grandfather she was naming the baby after her late grandmother- the name can’t be changed now, it would be far too hurtful. MIL needs to learn how to take a back-seat.


  • I am sorry but her mother-in-law is selfish, disrespectful and has a damn nerve. If I was in her shoes I would be telling my mother-in-law to butt out and stop trying to control their lives.
    What a wonderful gesture naming after someone that meant the world to her, significant person that was in her life. She should not feel guilty at all. Stick to her original plan.


  • Sorry your husband needs to stand up to her the baby is yours and his and he needs to tell her you are his wife and the baby is yours and you both will be naming the baby what you want. He either wants to stay married or not as it seems she is telling him what she wants, if he lets her know how it is the better.


  • Omg!! Now that’s super tricky. All the best to the couple. Hope this gets resolved easily.


  • You need to get things sorted now! My in laws became a problem before my first baby arrived (they chose to stay with us in our tiny apartment for around a MONTH!) They slept in our living room and complained about EVERYTHING I did, such as put things away where they belonged NOT where my in laws had put them etc. it not only started problems between my husband and I, it actually has put a strain on my relationship with my first child… not only is my eldest a constant reminder of when my in laws began ruining my marriage, but it got worse with every baby and my in laws constantly visiting as they please (my MIL wouldn’t allow my eldest to go near my bedroom when I had my second baby even though I was calling for my eldest to come in) and causing huge arguments between my husband and myself who maybe argued a handful of times in the almost ten years we were together.
    Sit your husband down, tell him you decided on a name and that his mother will not have a say in it or anything else, unless asked

    • Oh hun. This is so lovely thatnyour partner and you are still together despite the stuff that has come between you. It is really beautiful when unfortunately, my MIL is the reason my children’s father and I are not together anymore. It’s heartt breaking when he put her before me, and it only made it 100% worse once my FIL passed away.
      Best of luck hun xxx


  • Simply just do not change the name. That should send the message of who is boss!


  • Erm no. I think thats entirely wrong of the MIL to even be putting that kind of pressure on a baby that isn’t hers.


  • The MIL sounds like a nutter.
    If she doesn’t have the best relationship with her why on earth would she want to name her child after her?! I couldn’t think of anything worse.
    The husband should have spoken up to his mum. I seriously don’t get people like that!!! You’re old enough to make your own decisions and you’re going to have your OWN family so why are you still being controlled by your parents?!


  • And this is why we didn’t name our kids after anyone. It causes far too much drama.


  • This is a clear case of manipulation and I hope mumma stood her ground!


  • Nope she’s not in the wrong, and her husband needs to back her up


  • Can’t believe that MIL can go to such heights to get what she wants


  • Totally right to be upset. I’d just ignore MIL and name the child Anne.


  • It is the mother and fathers decision not the mil


  • The mother in law has no right to be upset at all the decision has nothing to do with her. That’s crazy


  • I would have politely said that we would consider her name but would not guarantee that we would choose it.


  • Ultimately the decision should lie with the Mum to Be and Husband. While MIL might be able to offer a suggestion (as many people will) this should not be forced onto them.
    We chose to honour my grandmother with giving my daughter the same middle name as her.
    On my hubbies side it was a tradition to name the first born son Leslie. My MIL broke that tradition and gave my hubby that as his middle name instead. We do not have any boys so our other daughter has the middle name Leslie so we can try and continue on the naming tradition
    But no one told us what we had to name our children…that was our choice.


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