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A single mum says her sister has no right to complain about being tired, because she’s incredibly privileged for a mum, with a good income and holidays.

The sisters have had a falling out, after the single mum decided to call her sister out for saying she’s just as tired.

“My sister is pretty use to having a good life,” the single mum explained. “To be fair she has worked hard for it. We are from a working class family and she is the only person with a bachelor’s but she also expects a lot too.

“Specifically she constantly complains about being tired. She has an eight-year-old and five-year-old and complained about how tiring it is to be a parent.”

The single mum says her sister works as an accountant and her husband is a partner at the same firm so she “only needed to work part time while the kids were young”.

“Now that they are in school her husband does drop off for school so she can go to the gym. They also have cleaners weekly. They also hire a nanny once a week so they can have a night out alone. They are always going on ski holidays and trips. When she was pregnant she got a month off work before the baby was born and 5-7 months with each child.”

In contrast, the other sister says she’s had to scrimp and struggle ever since she became a mum. And she says her sister can’t possibly imagine what it’s like to be really exhausted.

“I’ve had to work right after giving birth. My ex and I barely make enough to make ends meet and now I’m a single parent of my son. My ex now works for cash and doesn’t declare most of his earning so I’m screwed.

“Most of my money is used to put him in daycare and I’m exhausted all the time.

“I complain too but it gets on my nerves when she complains back. It’s like a millionaire complaining about being broke next to a college student.”

“I lost my temper when I called her and she asked how I was and I said I was really tired and she said she was sooo tired too. I told her it’s not the same, she’s the most privileged mum I know and she really needs to know who she is complaining to.

“She hung up on me and told me I was being a b*tch over text and I guess I was but I’m sick and tired about her complaining. It’s pretty tone deaf.”

The mum shared her story in an online forum, and instead of getting support, there were plenty of mums who said her sister has every right to be just as tired.

“Everyone is allowed to be tired. If you are tired of your ex working under the table because you are “screwed” report him and his employer. It’s not a competition. It’s not the Olympics,” one person responded.

Another commented, “She’s not privileged. Privileged is when you get sh*t you didn’t earn, and that’s not what you’re describing here. Why is she not also allowed to be tired?? I’m also a single mum who deals with a sh*tty ex, and I would never gate keep being freaking burnt out from these exhausting ass kids.”

What’s your opinion? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • Parenting is difficult even with substantial help but it must be very frustrating to hear that from her sister.


  • I can understand why you’re feeling how you are. It would be frustrating.
    I think you’re both tired!


  • I get the feeling but seriously, noone holds the rights to being tired and it’s not a competition. I get things are hard for this Mum but ‘competing’ about being tired shouldn’t be the focus.


  • I would feel the same I your situation. But just because she has money doesn’t mean she’s not tired. She’s still a working mum, that’s tiring enough


  • Some people’s struggles are more than other peoples, but all struggles are relevant.


  • Both sisters are tired in their own ways and while both have different lifestyles it is wrong to pull one out because they have extra support that they work hard for. Instead of arguing the single mum could have asked her sister to help even for an hour or so which in high sight is better then no help at all. Work together instead of against


  • Everyone is allowed to be tired and do we ever truly know what is going on in peoples lives and how they are truly coping with things and their thresholds.


  • Sisterly love…. It’s a shame it’s come down to fighting over being tired. Yes being a parent is tiring and every family have different situations. The single mum should really speak to child services about her ex being paid cash or dob him in.


  • It is so important to remember that everyone has battles they are dealing with. Try not to let this ruin your relationship, maybe you could talk to her and if this doesn’t work maybe you need to find other ways to stay in contact. When you are tired it is hard as your mental health and emotions make it harder to deal with situations. You could both consider having a pack and saying we can’t talk about this subject. Lots of options to consider. Good luck


  • I think both sisters are tired in their own ways, but this isn’t something to take issue over.

    However, sisters often fight over trivial things and maybe that’s all this is. I do hope they can get past this problem and enjoy each other again.


  • Don’t lose your sister over this. Admit that you are both tired but in different degrees.

    • My thought’s exactly, no use to compare


  • No one knows what battles anyone is going through. I think people need to mind their own business and either be supportive or keep their mouth shut.


  • You never know what someone else is going through until you ‘walk a mile in their shoes’. Everyone gets exhausted, and stressed, especially with all of the challenges of modern life. You can’t resent someone, just because she worked hard for what she has. You can only control yourself and your own situation, jealousy gets you no-where. Re-build your relationship with her now so that you still have the emotional support of your sister before you lose that too.


  • She isn’t a lady of leisure. She is a stay at home Mum. Yes, she may have a babysitter once the kids are asleep. That is NOT a nanny.


  • I think the whole thing is silly to fight over. Yes, the sister probably gets things easier, but it’s not a competition. I think they just need to learn to be considerate and patient with one and other and just be SISTERS. It sounds like jealously is talking here.


  • I think it is unfair to think that just because someone is more well off doesn’t mean they can’t be tired. Parenting isn’t a competition of who should or shouldn’t be more tired. Be there to help support and listen when your own mental health allows.


  • There might be some health issues making her tired. Maybe getting her to see a GP to run some tests would be a option.


  • Your sister sounds like a very busy, hardworking Mum who would obviously be tired, just like you. Parenthood is tiring for everyone. Just because someone else cleans her house and her husband does drop off doesn’t mean she is sitting at home having a snooze. She fills her days just like you do.
    You on the other hand sound bitter and jealous. Focus on the goods things in your life and be kinder.


  • Comparing yourself to others is usually a pretty bad idea as everyone experiences their own problems. Just because someone is worse off or not as poorly off, does not invalidate their feelings. I hope they can work this out and support each other.


  • I’m so sorry to hear about this single mum but I agree with a lot of people out there that her sister has all the right to complain she is also tired. Everyone has the right to be tired in their own way. She sounds bitter about her sister’s life but sounds like she’s worked hard for and possibly made better decisions.


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