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Dad called a “sicko” and forced to leave a shopping centre parent’s room while changing his son’s nappy.

A Queensland woman who defended the dad described witnessing the dad being abused by another mother at the Kawana Shopping world on the Sunshine Coast.

“There was a dad in the middle of changing his son’s nappy, already having a difficult time with his son not wanting to be changed,” Mikaa Ives wrote on a local parenting Facebook group page.

“The lady piped up and started abusing the dad for being in the parents room: ‘It’s only for mothers, get out you sicko’,” Ms Ives said.

Ms Ives said the woman, who accused him “staring at her naked kids” threatened to call security on the dad if he didn’t leave the room.

She said the boy didn’t have a clean nappy on when the pair was kicked out, and the pair became distressed about the confrontation.

“His son was hysterical and he’s just saying “its okay mate, we’ll go back in there soon”.

She called the man back in to finish putting a clean nappy on the child and told him if the other woman ended up calling security on him, she would back him up.

“I was absolutely shocked that the poor bloke felt he had no choice but to leave like she said… I was BEYOND disgusted. ”

People are thanking her for standing up for a fellow parent.

Other dads have also defended the man, sharing similar stories of abuse they say they have received while trying to change their own children.

“I’m a dad and copped the same when ever I had to change my son’s nappy. Didn’t move just told them to [do] whatever they needed to do to feel better about themselves,” one dad wrote.

Another wrote: “As a single dad I have experienced this on the coast too many times. Thank you for standing up for this guy.

“When someone kicks you out of a parent’s room you literally have no where to go with your children, it’s good to know that there are people out there who care.”

Earlier this year a new dad was told he was a ‘dirty old man’ for taking his seven-week-old baby into the parents’ room. Read his story HERE.

I have no words! WHY? Why are some people so self righteous? Somebody please explain to me why anyone would be upset to see a dad caring for his child?

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  • I just don’t understand it. My husband would have accused her right back of staring at our child’s private parts and called security on her then and there.


  • Sounds like equality in this woman’s mind is a one-way street. There is no change tables in the men’s toilets – did she expect the child to be changed on the top of the urinal? Probably doesn’t even know what that is.


  • It doesn’t say Mothers’ or Fathers’ room, it says parent’s room. Was this woman saying that only a woman can be a parent. If so she needs to pull her head in. At least this father was looking after his son and changing his nappy.


  • When I read the headline of this I actually thought that it was a repeat of the same story I read earlier. I am astounded that this is actually a new case! What is wrong with people? We live in the 21st century, I encourage my husband to assist in nappy changes we are both parents not just me and there are a lot of dads out there who are single or who may be the stay at home parent. Wake up!


  • Hmmm…I kind of doubt these stories.


  • Parents room is for mothers AND fathers. This is just ludicrous.


  • Disgraceful! It’s a Parent’s room and it’s called that for a reason – a room for parents to change their kids – parents being mums and dads! That abusive lady needs a reality check!


  • Parents room is not gender specific and I would also stand up for any parent in this situation.


  • And this woman called this dad a sicko ??!!


  • This is a discriminating case, fathers need to report these types of incidents of being verbally abused like this, and it is sad that children have to witness this behaviour too. The shopping centres need to put up signs saying ‘This is a parents room mums and dads welcome’.


  • If there’s no gender status on the door, then it is there for Dad’s or Mum’s to use in caring for their children. What I’d like to know is why was that other mother’s children doing being naked in the room? I am proud of the other parent, who stood up for him, good on you. Hey dad, your doing a great job, not too many guys like changing nappies, and there are probably a lot of mums likewise, but you were exercising your right to use that room and that woman had no right to push you out. You have every right to enter. Keep on doing it and I hope you never have the unfortunate situation of meeting her twice. She’s the ‘sicko’, not you. 🙂


  • It’s called a ‘Parents’ room, not a mother’s room. This is just dreadful that in today’s society a man can be treated so badly for caring for his child. Crazy!

    • It is such a step backwards and not forwards – men and women can both care for children and change nappies and use facilities. What saddens me is anyone thinking there is something wrong with this and making it ugly.


  • It’s a parents room not a mother’s room. Some people need to get over themselves. Where else is a dad supposed to go to change their child if not the parents room. I thought that was was it was for…parents.


  • Someone should have called security for the abusive woman not the father. It’s called a parents room not a mothers room. What a great dad, that woman should be ashamed of herself.


  • Read the Facebook post. The whole thing was clearly made up or an exaggeration of a minor incident involving a Dad. Not saying that Dads aren’t treated like weirdos in change rooms but this incident simply didn’t happen.


  • I am so sad that any parent should be treated this way. It is called a PARENTS Room (not a MUMS Room) for a reason. This woman’s/mum’s behaviour was selfish, disgraceful and not sympathetic, kind or caring at all. With no regard for the child, let alone the Dad. What kind of parent is she?


  • My husband has never experienced this. That woman was well out of line.


  • “PARENT”S ROOM” not MOTHER”S ROOM! I always have a chat to whoever is in there while my sons are playing in the parents room toy area and I find the blokes are more up for a chat the the ladies


  • Oh my! And where is there written that parents’ rooms are just for mothers??? Poor dad. I’m glad that woman stood up for him. This is abuse, nothing else than abuse!!


  • Its a parents room. Dads are parents too. I’ve come across heaps of dads in parents rooms and they always look a bit scared. I couldn’t care less who uses it as long as they’re using it for what its meant for. And as long as they don’t leave it a mess.


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