
  • Serves 6
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


A healthy summer salad

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 5-6 Beetroot
  • 2 bunches Rocket (washed)
  • 100 gram Feta (crumbled)
  • 1/4 cup Walnuts (roughlt chopped)
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 2 Tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon Salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cover each beetroot in aluminium foil and bake in the oven for about 50 minutes or until baked through. Set aside to cool. Once the beetroot has cooled peel off the skin and cut in to small pieces.
  2. Assemble the rocket leaves on a platter followed by the beetroot, feta cheese and walnuts.
  3. Mix the olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar and drizzle on the salad just before serving.

  • Yum. I love beetroot.. just wish my kids did :(


  • Oh this would be 100% awesome.


  • I absolutely love this and can’t wait to make it.


  • This salad is delicious! We make it in a bigger size for lunches.


  • Sounds like my kind of salad but I’d have to leave off the nuts as my partner is allergic


  • I love this colourful and healthy salad!


  • Love the feta cheese in this salad. Thanks for the recipe.


  • Don’t eat walnuts often but they are good and this is deffinantly got ingredients I put in salads thanks!


  • Mmmmm beetroot, feta and walnuts mmmmmmm add balsamic and oh my gawd. I have some baby beets in the garden ready to go


  • You had me at beetroot, I so love beetroot. Will be trying this one out.


  • Lovely recipe – will add walnuts next time I do this salad.


  • OMG this is my fave!!!!!!!!!!!!! Caramilised walnuts


  • Made this year day, so quick and easy. Kids even liked it (minus the rocket).


  • So I’m a cheater. I’ve NEVER used fresh beetroot, only canned. I’ve never been quite sure on what to do with it or how. I do love this recipe though. I used the canned diced beetroot with feta and baby spinach with pine nuts and pumpkin which is kind of similar to this. I do love the look of this though.


  • Looks very colourful and I love beetroot


  • love a good simple salad, the colours look great


  • I love beetroot walnut salad. I prefer to make it with spinach and some cloves of garlic and without dressing.

    • Most of the time I eat it without feta as well (it becomes too heavy for me), but I do like to add a red onion and some cloves of garlic.


  • This looks really lovely, light and crisp.


  • This sounds delicious but unfortunately it’ll have to wait till it warms up a bit. Will keep it in the backburner till then.


  • I absolutely love this. I might cheat a little and use diced beetroot in a can. I’ve never worked with fresh beetroot. I’m no confident in knowing what to do with it.


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