
  • Serves 4
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 head broccoli
  • 800 gm diced chicken
  • 300ml sour cream
  • 1 tbls curry powder
  • 2 tbls chicken stock powder
  • 2 cups grated cheese


  1. Pre heat oven to 180 degrees. Boil chicken about 10 minutes until cooked.
  2. Whilst chicken is cooking , cut broccoli into florets and place in a baking dish.
  3. Once chicken is cooked, transfer onto a plate and shred gently with a knife and a fork into bite-sized pieces. Layer these on top of the broccoli in the baking dish.
  4. Mix sour cream, curry powder and chicken stock powder in a small bowl and spoon over top of chicken and broccoli.
  5. Top with grated cheese and bake in oven for 40 minutes, or until top is golden.

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