
27 Comment

Have said it before – please please please please please do not just cut and paste answers.

Most of us enjoy reading other peoples responses to questions, blogs and recipes as much as reading the articles themselves.

To see the same thing said over and over and over is so incredibly frustrating, when it is so obvious they are just doing it to score points.

Please MoM – can you do something????

Posted by katelt, 31st January 2014

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  • YES!! I really feel despite for these people but wasn’t sure to be a ‘dibber dobber’ or not! It’s certainly not in the spirit of things – especially when one of the 2 I am thinking of puts “Lke it” on stories that may be able something traumatic…ummm… WTF?!


  • exellent super story


  • It doesn’t bother me if I happen to come across what looks like copy and paste answers, I just scroll right past them and it doesn’t distract from the article or other mums answers. Not my concern how other mums come by their points.


  • there has been no change in this behaviour, it is about time MoM does something, maybe making it more than the 5 words they are giving to score points.


  • think it has settled down a lot now so hopefully won’t be happening in the future


  • There seems to have been less copy and paste answers at the end of April with the new format. Hope it stops it for good!


  • there have been even more changes now to the format so maybe that will work. I noticed that there were some comments about some of the arts and crafts too about photos and the origin of the idea.


  • I have also wondered how people find the time to post so many recipes and some of the pictures look like they are from a cookbook, I am sure most people wouldn’t do that, but many certainly look that way.

    • Thank you, so I’m not the only person who was dubious during the larger points incentive period on recipes. The recipe section does seem to have gotten much better since there is no longer a massive points incentive.


  • there is a person that comment on here who also post on her own thing but write like oh im sorry to here that, but its her own post lol

    • Hahahaa thats hilarious and oh so very obvious! What a dumb*ss!


  • I just found out MoM has a feature to detect this copy and paste nonse… Good!

    • That’s great, now hopefully we don’t have to see the same article about cutting and pasting put up every few weeks and people can calm down with all the bitching that evolves from these articles, as it creates disharmony when this is supposed to be a lovely site for all of us mums to come to and share ideas, thoughts and opinions.

      • agreed heidi. i just enjoy it and scroll past the 5 comments in a row that say the same thing lol


  • Funny also, I noticed one member who open a bag of food, take pictures and call it in recipe…lol…Sigh…


  • There are also people who never use original photos in recipes… Plagarism 🙁 Sad


  • yes, it makes me wonder if people are actually reading things first or just replying with a generic response.

    • going by some of the answers. i would say no. lol


  • Guys iPhone or other smart phones are probably quicker than copying and pasting so it’s likely people are just using smartphones. I question where the origin of some of the recipes ie I have wondered if people are recipe sharing with their friends etc and posting on Mom. I also feel that some of the recipes had gotten a bit out of hand in terms of what constitutes the term “recipe” like how to boil rice etc. Do you really want people to post an intelligent comment to that?

    • Some people don’t know how to boil rice!


  • Yes but having said that I have seen a few recipes I am a bit suspicious about in terms of the origin etc. I wonder if some people who seem to post copious amounts of recipes really have all that time in the day to cook?! I am ok the right track and has anybody else had the same thoughts?


  • I’ve noticed this a lot lately too! I kinda find it sad they don’t have anything else to say.


  • The people doing have changed what they say but still cutting and pasting. I know it’s hard but I was under the impression it’s monitored?


  • I just don’t think it fair that members who actually read the stories, and make intelligent and relevant comments and answers miss out on the prizes.


  • I agree, like the comment “thank you for sharing your recipe”. It makes the time I put in seem nothingish. Maybe there should be an anti copying pasting tool lol


  • I so agree!!! Especially on the answers section – people genuinely need helpful advice!


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