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I am terrified of getting cancer! Every add I watch has some type of cancer scare. Either that or a celebrity getting something removed to avoid getting cancer, or a celebrity dying of cancer.
After having our first baby, I was very lazy, getting Pap smears. I actually had never had one. I had my first child at 25 yrs old. I had family history of cervical cancer on my fathers side, And since my mother and father divorced when I was 5 I was not fully aware. Still totally my fault for not looking after my body. Anyway, after symptoms such as bleeding after sex and being very sore. I finally got a pap smear. I got called back in, and told I should bring someone for support. Nervous? Yes!
My husband came and they told me I had stage 3 cervical cancer. My husband immediately said ‘ok, so stage 1, is the worst right’ at this time, I was not really listening, I felt sick to my stomach. All I could think wAs my children. At that time I realised what he was asking and I payed attention once again. She said ‘No, stage 4 is full blown cancer, stage 3 is just before that’. The good news is I didn’t have full blown cancer, and the good news is after having a biopsy, they removed the cells from my cervix and I did have another baby.
If I had enough money now I have had my children, would I have my whole cervix, ovaries and breasts removed? Maybe, I can live without them now. But then would the cancer cells move on to the bowels, liver, lungs or brain? Where do we stop removing our parts to stop the pain that hasn’t even been confirmed? Where does the death stop and the living begin?
Posted by reneem1, 6th July 2013
mom176887 said
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mom81879 said
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mom57522 said
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snoopy said
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chezj said
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