

Our family loves a good fete and fete season is upon us. We have them all marked out for the next few weeks. There is something for everyone, little kids and big kids. Fetes are a fun day out and reasonably cheap too and all the funds support local schools and charities. Hope other mums and families are able to get out and enjoy some fete fun.

Posted anonymously, 21st November 2015

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  • Some schools now have quiz nights instead which you pay a small fee to attend They are great fun. Companies donate prizes for raffles. Others are used for private auctions. (You write your name down and the price you are prepared to pay for the item. The highest bid buys the item).
    I once went to a country private school fete. They had a great range of items for sale including food of various types, some of them artwork the children or their parents had done. There had been some reasonably large items donated – not necessarily high in value. They were auctioned, the income going to the school.


  • yeah our locals don’t have fete or anything anymore.


  • They are lovely indeed! A nice way to spend time with your family!


  • They are pretty fun things to top along to – our daughter makes sure we know where and when they are by announcing them all through signs and local paper ads she sees – she feels super proud we taken to events that “she found”!

    • Good on her – she should feel proud! We bought some lovely handmade Christmas decorations for our tree.


  • My favourite bit about a fete is the home made goodies or the hone grown goodies. I check them out while the kids are checking out the kids activities. We usually have a ball, there aren’t too many on around here tho, 3-4 a year if we’re lucky

    • Yep! I love all of the home made goodies and the trash ‘n’ treasure stall too. Bargains and treasures waiting to be found!


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