

To all you mum’s out there, yeah I’m talking to you.
It’s Priscilla here just wondering if you can hear me? I want to know if I’m the only one. The only one who has said this to my 3 and 2 year old –

“Can’t you two leave your shoes on? Stop taking off your clothes. You’re sick and you’re running around half naked. I’m sick of dressing you 50 times a day. I’ve got better things to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

My voice falls upon deaf ears. Right at this very moment they are shoeless and pantless running around on our cold tiles and outside on the concrete and it’s a cold Autumn day. I can’t be bothered. I really am sick of it.

Hello? hello? Damn, can’t hear a bloody soul out here. No one seems to be listening to me!

Posted by priss16, 23rd March 2014

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  • yes it goes in one ear and straight out the other! nothing gets done but you are so exhausted! lol


  • I’ve tow toddler one is 4 and second is 2 year’s. I’ve to always argue with them for little things they never want to listen anything, they just do what they likes. cold has started and i am in my bed covered with blanket and coat and my son he is just playing in nappy no cloth. he removed his cloth 10 times in 1 hours it’s really a tiring job for a mum…


  • Good luck! The more you tell them the more they won’t listen.


  • No shoes was one thing, even when the pants started coming off but the nappy is a different story!


  • I never really had this problem but my sister does. She is forever trying to put clothes back on the kids. If it doesn’t bother them, then I would let them be. Not everyone feels the cold and especially kids. They will grow out of it.


  • So funny, well not when you have to look after them when they’re sick. Maybe they will build some immunity running around naked in the cold!


  • Kids don’t seem to feel the cold.

    • That’s right because my little one did it. He only wearing nappy and T-shirt during cold weather.


  • Haha yep, I’m pretty sure my kids ears are painted on. They never hear me when they are supposed to, but ALWAYS hear stuff they shouldn’t be listening too?


  • Yep, we have a household of wannabe nudists here too. I’m the only one that finds clothes compulsory!


  • Awww, c’mon Mum, we have a lifetime of wearing clothes and we can’t get away with running around naked when we’re adults! ;)


  • Lol. I think it’s a common occurrence in many households!


  • yeah my daughter takes her shoes and clothes off all the time


  • you should check out the said no mum ever site…lol


  • shoes on, shoes off, socks on, socks off and then my little one brings me her slippers!


  • lol my daughter always takes her clothes and pjs off when shes suppose to be sleeping or napping lol


  • lol reminds me of my Son when he was just toddling he stripped off every second he could and it would be the middle of winter and he would be out side in the yard playing with the toddler next door and you would see shoes gone pants gone nappy gone top still on ans jumper …the pair of the boys to bare bums walking around holding hands. Every day this woulds happen. Most of my pics of him little is naked and I was that Mum with the recording going constantly but I never stopped as I figured if I stopped than he would think it was fine. It was sinking in when the day came that the recording started and I got sorry Mummy sorry Mummy and brought me his clothes but than they we off again lol but that was the improvement I needed to keep it going


  • Lol my boys the same – ignorance is bliss lol. I suggest make yourself a cup of tea and relax while they are so entertained


  • hahaha my boys are 6 and I still have to tell them to put clothes on, half the time the will only put shorts on and thats incase the little neighbor comes over, now my 18month old girl wont leave her clothes on.


  • Well they are 2 and 3/ What did you expect? lol


  • im stiil laughing lol ..


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