

I find I just dont get around to tidying up the paper work as often as I should and I have piles of notes from school, letters etc all stacked up. Then I tackle it and it is a mammoth job to do it and takes a couple of hours. most of it ends up in the bin so I wonder why do i keep it in the first place! I just wondered do other people seem to accumulate a lot of paper work or is it just me?

Posted anonymously, 26th November 2014

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  • Try to keep it sorted into piles and they’ll be easier to deal with.


  • I have a tray on top of the fridge that i stuff everything into then clear it out when it fills up lol i agree most of it i could have thrown out beforehand


  • By the time I get home paperwork is the last thing I want to look at, so yes occasionally I have a pile of to do papers


  • tiding up paper work


  • cant get around


  • I have stacks of it. On the table, the bench, the floor, the computer desk, in drawers. I’m so bad. And I end up,doing what you do, having a massive clean up and throw most of it out. Weird!


  • I am terrible at it… i have piles everywhere!


  • nice story for read


  • its a nice story to read


  • yeah i do this too! and i have got a file system that i store important papers in and a junk/read later drawer lol i am thinking about buy a shredder because i sit there and rip all my personal documents into little bits and that is time consuming


  • I’m just the same I have paperwork in all different places and it really winds my husband up but I just can’t help it


  • Yes I’m guilty of it as well. Hard habbit to break.


  • Not just you I have a bench that is the dumping ground and it never seams to get smaller


  • I’d love to have a kitchen bench that isn’t a dumping ground!


  • Just that’s me ! I just haven’t got the energy to look at it so I just chuck it in the pile. I have so many unpaid bills, not because I don’t have the money to pay them but just because they are in the pile.


  • You are not on your own !! sometimes there doesn’t seem enough hours in the day and when there is paper work just feels like a horrid task.. give your self a small pile to work through after a visit to office works for some files to organise. I should practice what I preach im hearing you, there are many of us out there we are not all as organised as we would like to think but still great people..


  • I am glad I am not the only one!


  • Hate paper work! I try to throw out stuff that we don’t need straight away. But I still end up with a huge pile every month!


  • Not just you! I am currently leaning around a pile of paperwork just to see my computer monitor. It keeps getting shuffled to the bottom of my to-do list, and yes for the exact same reason – it’s such a big and time-consuming job and I can think of dozens more things I would rather be doing!


  • Oh it’s not just you! I find at times I blink and there is a pile of paper a mile high and I wonder where on Earth it came from. I try to sort it as it arrives, but that just doesn’t always happen. I used to have a friend who had a shoe tidy thing hanging behind her kitchen door. She used to sort all the paperwork into that – one pocket for each kid, another for bills another for recycling etc. I always thought that was a great idea, but somehow never got around to implimenting it in my own house…


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