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My mum was always my best friend, my right arm and my rock. Now I find that in my hubby as well. As a teenage girl growing up mum and I had no secrets when I was in my 20’s, we talked about everything. I loss my mum a few years back and berore I had my 2 little girls. I had a 25 weeker for my first baby and dont get me wrong im very greatful to my hubby how much support he was but he wasnt mum. I needed num and I dont blame other mums but I have to admit I was always slighly jealous seeing other mums having their mums beside them. Now my 25 weeker is 2 and so beautiful and my baby is 7 month and alao beautiful. I love my princesses so much, they make my life complete but I still miss mum and wish she was here to meet her only 2 grandchildren and enjoy every moment with me. I have a mil and we get along good but she always to self centred to really care. My inlaws havent seen their grandchildren for 7 month since bubby was born and their both alive, my dad comes see them everyday and he is 20 yrs older as my mum was and she would have seen them every day as well. Sorry just really missing mum today and what she is missing out on.
Posted by premmiemum, 27th August 2013
hopefullyheidi said
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beksie said
- 27 Aug 2013
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