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I was just thinking about my pregnancy and the funny things we do….
I was the most paranoid pregnant woman, I went through years of IVF before achieving my miracle baby so I wanted to make sure I didnt do anything to jeopardise my baby while pregnant. I didnt eat anything pre made, made sure nothign with dirt on it came in contact with my food and was constantly calling my OB with every single niggle! – I am sure he cringed every time the receptionist told him who was calling!
Anyway, the one thing I wanted to share was what I thought was a scare…
I was at work and went to the bathroom. once I had been (sorry if its TMI!!) I noticed the water was pink!
Well I completely freaked out, I told work I had to leave and was madly calling my OB’s rooms on my way to the car to try and get an emergency appointment (I was around 20 weeks at that stage)
I was told to go home to bed and come in in the morning if it had gotten any worse, so off to bed I went. I wasnt game to get up for any reason except the bathroom.
Anyway, to get to the point, it was about midnight when I was laying in bed thinking and it suddenly dawned on me! – I had eaten an entire tin of beetroot at lunch that day!!!
Google confirmed it, yes, over consumption of beetroot can discolour urine! – Oh dear….
Posted by MrsStacey79, 13th November 2013
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